Angels can fly

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Two days passed and I finally found Malia's hiding place. She was near Bacon Hills, next to the sea where I was going to swim when I was younger.. When my dad still lived with us.

I came to the place, she was staying in an old house on the highest part of the mountain. I got into but the house was empty so that means that she was somewhere around.

Scott, I told you not to go after me, didn't I?"- I heard from behind me, so I turned back to see Malia standing on 4-5 meters far from me, she looked so tired, her hair was a mess and her clothes were dirty.. And I realized something that really scared me, her hands were chained up.

Stop! Please Scott, don't come near me. I can't stand to be close to you again because I know that it won't last, I know that I'll lose you again. Don't do this to me"- she begged.

But, you won't lose me. I promise. I came all this way to get you back, everyone misses you so much, come here, I'll help you get off those chains and we will go back together"- I was being honest.

No, no, no. You have just came all this way to see me for the last time. At least I'll see you before I'm gone forever."- she smiled still standing far from me, near the edge of the mountain.

Malia, what are you talking about angel? I have been in this situation before, Stiles changed my mind, and I'm so glad he did.. Because how would I save so many lifes? How would I do so much in my life? How would I meet you? Please, you mean so much for me, you are my light, you are my angel Malia.. Don't go"- I begged now, not even moving a feet because she was watching my every step.

Scott, I don't believe in fairy tales, but this time I have to. And you know what? I'm sorry Scott, but everyone there is saying "angels can fly".."- she whispered and turned around, then ran and jumped off the cliff.

Malia!!"- I heard myself screaming.

Without thinking I shifted and went after her, I saw the blue water under me and I jumped in knowing that I can still save her, I will do it, even if that is the last thing I'll do.

After some awful moments that seemed like forever I felt myself splashing in the cold water. I dived in searching for Malia..

After some moments I saw her body still falling down and her mouth wide open so she was full with water.. Oh my god, please god, save her again..

I made my way to her and got her body in my hands, the air that I've got in me wasn't enough and I was feeling that I must get out in any moment. I grabbed her tight and headed up as fast as I could.

Soon our heads got off the water and I gasped, fighting to get enough air. I saw that we were pretty far from the beaches and that It will probably take 10 minutes to fully get out.

I got the chains off Malia's hands and checked her pulse, she was alive, but her heart was pumping really slow, I need to get her out so she will pull all the water out of her.

Probably passed more time than just 10 minutes when I finally stepped on the ground and put Malia on the sand under one tree so it won't burn her skin.

I started pumping on her stomach for the water to come out. When I was feeling like there is no way to get her back, she started caughting and opened her eyes.

Thanks god! Malia, don't you dare to do this ever again!"- I jumped down in happiness and layed down next to her. I hugged her so tight that her body was stuck with mine.

I can promise you now, I won't. But at least you have done your job now, are you finally happy? You saved me"- and even in this situation she giggled like a little kid..

Agh silly, you scared the shit of me. I could lose you forever"- I hugged her even tighter now.

You still can, my bones are nearly breaking in this hug"- she muttered and I made a little bit more space in the hug.

I love you Malia"- the words escaped out of my mouth and when I realized what I've just said, I saw her face blushing and smiling at me.

I love you too"- she smiled looking directly in my eyes.

I can't believe this is happening"- I mumbled and kissed her. This time this wasn't a dream, this was real, me and her, laying in the sand kissing each other. The kiss was full of lust, full of love and hope for a better tomorrow..

You know that I could do this all day, but I think that we should go now, we must come back"- She smiled after around 15 minutes.

Agh.. As I can remember, an hour ago, you wasn't thinking like this"- I hugged her for one last time before we got up and started running towards the nearest train station.

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