Cas Can't Sleep (Part 2)

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A/N: you wanted a part 2, here it is! :)


Around noon, Cas was still asleep. The Winchester brothers sat in the kitchen, eating lunch. "Where's Cas actually? I haven't seen him today" Sam asked. Dean smiled happily. "He finally gets some sleep" Dean answered. "But where? He wasn't in his room when I checked..." Sam looked puzzled, then realized it. "He's in your room!" Dean blushed. His brother laughed.

"What happened?" "Nothin'!" "You can't be serious! What happened?" "I dunno... he was there when I woke up" Dean smiled. "That's why you were so happy that morning!" "Maybe..." Sam laughed. "I ship you two, you know" "What? Sammy, he's just a friend!" "Sure!" Sam laughed even more. Dean threw a piece of lettuce which had fallen down from his burger onto his plate after his brother. The lettuce landed halfway on the way to Sam and Sam laughed. "Bitch!" "Jerk!" answered Sam still laughing.

In that exact moment, Cas entered the room. He tilted his head to one side like he always did when he was confused and looked from one brother to the other. "He's so damn cute!" Dean thought. "Good morning, Cas" Sam greeted. "Did you sleep well?" he asked. Cas smiled. "Yes, I did" "That's good. Dean must be a good pillow" Dean blushed and glared at his brother, Cas just continued smiling his cute clueless smile. "Are you hungry? Wanna have a burger?" Dean asked and Cas nodded. "That would be nice. Thank you, Dean"

After everyone had eaten their burgers, Sam excused himself to go to the library. But actually, he just stood outside the door to the kitchen, eavesdropping on Dean and Cas.

Cas glanced at Dean. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night. I just couldn't sleep and you look so peaceful when you sleep and I know that you don't like it when I watch you sleep but I didn't know what to do. When I sat next to you on your bed, I felt so safe and tired so I just lay down next to you and fell asleep..." Dean smiled at his cute angel. "It's fine, Cas. At least you could sleep a little. Sam and I were beginning to worry about you"


In the evening, everybody went back to their rooms. Cas lay on his bed and faced his old problem: he couldn't sleep. He stood up and walked over to Dean's room once again. After a minute of standing in the doorway and watching Dean on the bed, Dean opened his eyes. He looked over at Cas. "What is it, angel?" Dean asked. "Can't sleep again?" Cas nodded.

Dean sat up and patted the space next to him. "Come here, Cas. Let's see if we can get you to sleep" Cas trotted over to Dean's bed and sat down. "Well. Lay down and close your eyes" Dean instructed just like he had done the first night after Cas became human. The ex-angel lay down on Dean's bed and closed his eyes. Dean's smell surrounded him and he instantly felt safe. "Well, now you just wait for sleep to come, I guess" Dean said while he watched Cas lying on his bed.

After a few minutes, Cas opened his eyes again and looked at a very sleepy Dean next to him. "It doesn't work!" he stated. Dean was clueless. "Just try it again" he suggested. Cas closed his beautiful eyes again. After a moment, Dean lay his hand on Cas chest to check on his heart beat and breathing. "You should try to calm down a bit" Cas nodded and breathed a bit slower.

He then felt Dean lay down next to him. The hunter was just too tired to sit up anymore. Almost asleep, Cas hugged Dean. A moment later, Cas was sound asleep. Dean chuckled and blushed. But here it was just the two of them, nobody who could judge Dean for this. And Dean decided that he didn't care what they thought. If Cas could only sleep with him by his side, he would let him sleep in his bed every night.

Sam smiled as he found his brother and the ex-angel all cuddled up in Deans bed the next morning. "Finally!" he whispered to himself.

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