Chapter One

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She could feel the cold drafty air coming from somewhere in the maybe-not-so-lifeless old mansion blow her two long, thick, dark blue braids back, for giving off the sense that she was underwater, moving forward. She could hear the frightened whimpers of the little blonde-haired boy clutching her T-Shirt behind her.
"Wh-who's there?" She managed to squeeze out. Into the light of the flash light her shaking hand was holding stepped a tall, pale figure. She gagged at his appearance, and the little blonde boy let out a stifled yelp. The figure's skin was a ghostly white, and he was wearing a tattered old coat. She slowly looked up at his head, which was titled down so that she couldn't see his face. His hair was the color of blood, and he wore a white-and-red-striped top hat. She breathed heavily, petrified by the figure. Then, he slowly started walking towards her and the boy. She gasped, then gagged when he got so close she could smell his rancid decaying breath. She instinctively rose her arms, ready to defend herself and the little boy who she loved so deeply. He breathed in slowly, and said in a mocking voice, "Me? What about you? You come trespassing on my property, and you ask who I am?" His voice didn't sound anything like she thought it would, she might have even said it was cute if she hadn't been scared out of her wits. He slowly lifted his head, showing and evil, crooked, indecent, one might even say amused smile. "So I think your going to have to pay."

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