"I'm sorry, there wasn't anything I could do really, he was right, he overrules us, but that will change at 12:00."

"You didn't fight. I would have been satisfied if you fought."

"Alright, I agree, I should have fought harder, but let's ditch this place. He's not going to check up on you every 10 minutes." 

"I guess,"

"Take my hand, and let's go."

"You know? I kind of feel like Cinderella. With the 12:00 thing, and the working in the kitchen." She laughed.

"You're my Cinderella."

"And you're my Prince Charming, or was it Knight In shining armor? I'm not sure, I haven't read all the diaries!"

"Okay, Okay fair enough."

"Let's treat you as if your Cinderella."

"Umm, I don't know how I feel about that..."

"Just come."


"Explain to me why we're in a ballroom?" She asked.

"Get your shoes off."

"Huh? Why my shoes?"

"Just do it," I said kicking off my own shoes.

"Ugh fine, but you owe me."

"Do I?"

"Yes, you do. You have to watch Ahren and Eadlyn for the night, and I will have a good nights sleep."

"Have the maids do it."

"No! I will not! They have done so much for me already! I am not going to ruin their night as well!"

"Fine, Fine, No need to yell, remember we have to be discreet."

She glared at me and kicked her shoes off to the side.

"You know, I never get to see your shoes. They're always covered in such beautiful dresses."

"Why thank you, but I can't take the credit that Mary and Lucy have done for me."

"Of course."

"So, what are we doing? Making small talk?"


"Excuse me?"


"1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and."

"Ohhh, seems to me like you know something about music..." She smirked at me.

"Yes, Piano and Guitar at age 5."

"Wow! What happened?"

"Quit at age 5." 

"Ummm? So under 12 months?"

"Yeah, Father thought that it wasn't important."

"I mean, if half the fives are into music, I would think that yes, it is important."

"Hey, let's not refer to you as a five, or anyone else. Remember, we're trying to get rid of them"



"Yeah, Sweetie?"

"I'm ready."

"Really? Like really ready."

"Want me to change my mind?"

"No, No!"

She laughed as her and I kept counting and dancing. Little did I know that my parents were standing in the wings. My mother proud as always, but my father looked as if he was betrayed.

"I have to go."

"Wait. Why?"

"It's 12:00," 

"Time for the twin's mealtime."

"Well leave your shoes, that way I can find you."

She gave me a childish look and started walking out. Looking at me to make sure I wasn't looking at her. 

As she left, I was left with my parents. Mother being curious and nosey in my love life, while my father thinking that It still should be with Kriss even though she ended it.

"Son. Don't choose her."

"Maxon choose whom-" My mom started, but could not finish due to my father always shushing her opinion. One day, this would get to her nerves, and she would break. Just like how I did.

"I will choose America. Thank you for your reign." I said confidently.

Maxerica: That One BulletWhere stories live. Discover now