Day:1-3 Training (Part 8)

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A/n: Just so you guys know, if you didn't know already or if I already told you, Chulainn's name is pronounced (Kul-Inn). Enjoy this part. Voting is almost over...Harem is winning with Serafall close behind! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3rd POV

Y/n wakes up in what seems to be the middle of the night in a very familiar room. His bedroom. He barely remembers what occurred last night. That is until an unfamiliar raven haired women walks in to his bedroom, cosplaying? As a magic mo what ever the fuck it is. Bottom line is it's stupid as shit. Immediately after she walks into the room she stares at you shocked, still not telling you her name... for some reason. Weirdo...

???: How are you even awake? You used so much energy! You should be out until next week!!!

A familiar voice interjects in this....persons? Yeah let's go with that, persons ramblings. 

Chulainn: It is because I sacrificed my own energy to rebuild Y/n's, Serafall. I could tell that my weilder would be extremely pissed off if he missed the rating game. And you know how easily it is to piss him off. And I don't want to take an emotional slaughtering like yesterday.

As Chulainn informs the now named Serafall on how you recovered inhumanly fast. You finally recall all the event that happened last night. You lost control of yourself and you have nobody to blame but yourself...or Issei but thats whatever. The room quickly false into a tense silence before serafall says

Serafall: You must have a lot of questions... mostly as to why i'm here. But do you remember much from last night?

Y/n: Why should I answer to someone who tried to murder me in cold blood? I did nothing wrong!

Serafall: I know but I didn't realise we were meant to kill you! I'm sorry, but I stopped it from happening in the first place! The only thing is....that I have to...uhh.

Y/n: Have to what?

Serafall: Try not to get mad...(You mentally facepalm at this as whenever someone says that you break many bones and shape them into fucking Origami), But i've been...Volunteered to look after you and help you when you get angry. And theres no chance you're getting rid of me either!

She says the last part with just scowl 

Y/n:-sigh- Alright, and how do you think you can calm me down? It's almost impossible for everybody else and I have a close bond with most and not even they can do it. What makes you think you, someone I just met who attempted to kill me, can do about my anger?

Serafall was surprised by Y/n's wise words, she didn't know how to calm him down, but she felt she could do something else

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