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Warning: slight themes of suicide, no details or description

This was it. Jimin had nothing left. Yoongi kept calling but Jimin put his phone on silent. He was going to try again, hopefully it would work this time. As he stood on the chair, he remembered everything he had gone through with Yoongi, everything they did. As he was about to fall backwards, the door swung open, and their stood Hoseok, Jin, Tae and Yoongi.

"JIMIN STOP!" Yoongi and Jin both yelled as they ran in. Yoongi got Jimin down and hugged him tightly.

"Get off!! You don't love me!!" Jimin fought to get away from Yoongi but he couldn't.

"Yes I do, Jimin I slept with her because she was going to tell my parents about us. If they find out, I'll never be able to see you again, they might even make me move schools. I would never cheat on you just because I can. Jimin I love you. I love you more than you could ever imagine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I know I should've.. But this will never happen again, I promise." Yoongi sealed his promise with a gentle kiss, and Jimin melted. He was too much of a push over to stay mad.

"I love you too hyung" Jimin whispered softly.

"You should stay at mine for a while, with everything that's gone on you shouldn't be alone," Yoongi picked up his boyfriend and carried him out, leaving Jimin's friends in shock.

"Jimin is just gonna let him get away with it??" Tae said angrily, "He doesn't deserve Jimin!!"

"Tae, you know Jimin is a sucker when it comes to love and promises," Jin sighed.

"And he doesn't want to lose Yoongi so why wouldn't he accept his apology?" Hoseok sighed, "There isn't much we can do except hope that Yoongi doesn't hurt Jimin again.."

All of the boys sighed, "lets go get something to eat," Jin muttered and they all left.

I promise.

Don't Leave Me :yoonmin: COMPLETEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora