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It was late, and Jimin was curled up with his bed sheets wrapped around him. He was lying on his side, his eyes glued to his phone which was sitting comfortably in his hand. He sighed, scrolling through his texts, when his phone suddenly buzzed.

Hey, is this Park Jimin?

uh.. yeah..?

Hi!! I'm Min Yoongi, from dance class

oh hi!

wait, how did you get my number..?

I asked your friend Jin :)

Jimin huffed. Seokjin always did this. He always gave Jimin's number out to people he considered to be cute guys and tried to hook him up. By now, he was used to the odd hook up but it never really went far. Jimin didn't want it to go any further than a short date. None of the guys Jin picked up particularly interested him. Besides, his heart still hurt from what happened between Jungkook and himself. He sighed and sent a short, simple reply.

ah, okay then..

is there a reason you wanted my number?

So I could ask if you wanted to work on the assignment with me :)

Jimin wasn't really sure what to say. He hardly knew Yoongi, but he didn't seem like a bad person. What could possibly go wrong?

yeah okay, sure :)

yes, what could possibly go wrong?

Don't Leave Me :yoonmin: COMPLETEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora