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Jimin was a little late to his first class. He had overslept because he went to sleep so late. He had been at the studio until around 11pm and didn't actually fall asleep until 1am. He didn't usually work this hard, but he wanted to really impress Yoongi before they started working together. The truth is, he found Yoongi kind of attractive. Well, really attractive. He didn't necessarily have a crush on him, but he definitely found him hot.
In the past couple of days since Yoongi first texted him, he began to wonder why Yoongi picked him and not anyone else in the class. It's not like they were close, and Jimin was almost certain that Yoongi wasn't into him because he didn't think the elder was gay. In fact, Jimin thought Yoongi would've chosen someone like Nari or Yumi. He was pretty sure Yoongi had a thing for at least one them since he was always flirting and talking to them. But after realising that he was thinking about it way more than he needed to, Jimin dropped the thought.

After getting changed out of his uniform and into his looser dance clothes, he gently shut his locker and joined the rest of his class in the studio.
It didn't take long for Yoongi to find him. He was greeted by a warm smile.

"Jimin! I was starting to think you weren't gonna show up!" he laughed slightly. Jimin smiled softly, also greeting the older boy with a smile.

"sorry, i overslept" he yawned quietly, trying to hide it. Yoongi, once again, laughed and this time, Jimin couldn't help but smile to himself as the soft laughs of the older boy filled his ears.

"shall we get started then?" Yoongi pulled Jimin to a clear floor space as the music began and everyone in the class worked on their individual dance routines.
By the end of class, Jimin's limbs were weak and aching. He groaned and flopped on a near by chair, panting wildly. They hadn't ever worked so hard in class, and definitely not at such a rapid pace. He had never realised how easily Yoongi learned to do things and put routines together. It was actually quite impressive, if Jimin was painfully honest. He wished he could do things that fast. But he was often too lazy or tired, and that was a major wall in the way of doing anything quickly.

"Jimin, are you okay? You're sweating so much" he giggled softly as they both panted. Compared to Jimin, Yoongi was barely sweating.

"I-I'm fine, Y-Yoongi" Jimin managed to breathe out. Yoongi nodded and grabbed his bottle of water, and Jimin did the same.
Jimin had finally managed to calm down and stop sweating. He had gotten changed back into his uniform and was about to walk to his next class when a hand grabbed his shoulder with a tight grip.

"Jimin, you were really good today!! Are you free after school? We could practice or-" Yoongi could've gone on for a while, listing the suggestions of things to do. But he was quickly cut off by Jimin.

"I can't, i'm busy tonight. But maybe another time..?" Yoongi nodded and Jimin smiled at his smile. "Okay Yoongi, see you around~" he smiled and walked off to his lesson, completely missing Yoongi's disappointed look as he turned away.

So, so disappointed.

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