I leaned forward in my chair in shock and surprise. “You aren’t even annoyed at me for sleeping with him behind Cassio’s back?” She was about to reply to me but I interrupted her “And what the hell is this bet you have going on with Pierre”. “And a few others” she mumbled and continued talking before I could answer “Remember when I said that you liked Hamilton and would most likely end up doing something with him well Pierre bet against me. But that is not important” She nervously laughed. I sighed loudly into the phone to show my disapproval but I would deal with that later as I had more pressing matters.

“What am I supposed to do? I feel so guilty” I confessed. “I don’t see why Talia. Like look at it this way, you aren’t even going out with Cassio; he has asked you on a couple of dates you aren’t married to the guy. You don’t have to say anything to him just if you do continue this date thing with Cassio make sure nothing happens between you and Hamilton” she explained. Callie was sometimes surprisingly good at giving advice.

Even though what she said about Cassio was true I couldn’t help but feel bad. He was such a nice guy and seemed to really care for me. He is good for me whereas Hamilton is toxic. I can’t deny that he is gorgeous and an amazing fuck but...his personality, it’s not an awkward one that you could grow to love he is just a downright asshole and has so much baggage. It’s not like I have a future with him, I was just a convenient fuck. Haha it comes across as if I am writing Mrs. Hamilton all over my diary, that’s not the case at all. It’s not like I actually have feelings for him besides the mutual (well I hope it is) sexual interest I don’t like him at all. I know that this is a one night stand and don’t worry I don’t wish that it were more. That body though, I wouldn’t mind having that at my disposal.

“Taliaaaa” Callie sang down the phone. “Sorry I was thinking” I said and shook my head expelling any thoughts about Hamilton. “How did it come about anyway?” she inquired with faked feigned interest. “What, the one night stand? Basically you know how I’m terrified of Thunderstorms; well anyway Hamilton comforted me with a lot of hesitation on his part at the start. And then things went from there” I grinned to myself thinking back on when I was wrapped up in his arms. I never feel as safe as I did then with Hamilton, in Cassio’s arms. I frowned; I need to stop comparing them. Cassio is far superior, maybe not in looks but in everything else that matters.

“Shit, I owe Pierre 50 euro. Ugh why couldn’t you have just come onto him like I predicted” She growled. “You didn’t predict it as it did not come true. Twat” I mumbled the last bit under my breath. Even though she was making bets about my love life I still loved her with all my heart. She was like a true sister to me and my bestest friend.

“Love you” I said. “Aww love you too petal” I could feel her grinning down the phone “But I must go and collect my money. I will bring you to lunch as a reward” I grinned in reply. We said out goodbyes and I hung up.

I wandered over to my mobile phone which was charging on the countertop in the kitchen. I checked it again and saw that I had another 16 missed calls from Cassio. I also had 12 messages asking me if I wanted to go for coffee and where I was and if I was okay. Any guilt that Callie had put an end to came crawling back in a flash. I sighed, I didn’t know what to do. I really liked him a lot but I don’t know if I could go on and not say anything to him. He will probably find out eventually. I picked up the phone to dial his phone number and tell him the truth but last minute I threw the phone away. I couldn’t do it; I don’t want to lose him.

I wandered from the kitchen after grabbing something to eat, into my bathroom. I stripped and hopped into the shower. I was applying body wash to my skin when I noticed the bruises the size of fingers along my hips. I blushed a little at what they were from. They were sore to touch but they were evidence of an amazing night. Even though it hurt my pride I had to admit to it. I scooped my hair up to lather my shampoo when I touched the skin on my neck, it was tender.

I finished up in the shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I wiped the condensation off the mirror and glanced at my neck. There was a massive love bite on my neck and also a small nip mark behind my ear. I gasped and covered the marks with my hand. I can’t believe that I hadn’t noticed them until now. What was going to do, I couldn’t let Cassio see me like this. I was going to kill Hamilton. I got dressed angrily and pulled on leggings and a maroon hoodie.

I had just finished putting on my make up when there was a buzz at the door. Gregor started to bark, I strolled into the main room while towel drying my hair. I froze in shock when Cassio’s voice sounded over the speakers. “Talia it’s me, would you mind opening up” I glanced at the camera; Cassio was standing at the entrance with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. There was no way I could face him now, I would end up blurting everything out and he would most definitely notice the marks on my neck. I heard him sigh “I guess you aren’t here, I’ll come back later” There was a shuffle of feet and then he was gone.

I waited five minutes until I was sure he wasn’t there anymore, I grabbed my phone, bag and keys. I left some food and water for Gregor and then I snuck off to Callie’s.

A.N. Sorry about the long wait guys I had so much to do and in case ye didn’t realise I’ve newly joined the whole Game of Thrones thing and the newest episode was out yesterday so I was watching that haha! Personally I didn’t think that I would like it but it’s so good and the first episode just draws you in. Anyway I suggest you watch it if you haven’t already. Admittedly there is a fair amount of nudity and it’s kinda weird at the start but you get used to it haha, especially if it’s Jon Snow or Robb Stark <- Sexy beasts. Anyway this author’s note has turned into me going on about GoT.

Hope ye liked this chapter. It’s kinda boring and slow but I needed a follow up to Hamilton and Talia’s night of fun ;). Anyway next chappie should be up Saturday/Sunday.

Anyway please vote and comment. Thank you!

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