Stitching Things Up

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Harry's POV:

I do care about Draco. I do. 

"So...Why do you care about Dra-Malfoy anyway?Tell us!" Ginny said. I look at her. Then everyone else. It seems like they don't even care how I feel about him.

"Because, I see good in him, Ginny." I reply sternly. "Why can't you guys see good in him?"

"I sure can," said a voice, we turn, Crystal was standing upon us "I saw his head-well mind, he's a good person. He's just forced to act a certain way."

"You are?" Bill asked. I sigh.

"I'm Crystal. Crystal Winter..." Everyone stared at her, obviously they read the Prophet.

"You're Head of Azkaban! You're a Death Eater! Daughter of-" Ginny cried.

"Bellatrix and Voldemort himself. Yes."

"She's a friend. Don't worry."

Hermione comes down, colour restored to her face looking happier yet weak. "Hermione!" Ron cried, he jolted up and hugged her. "How are you?"

"Fine-Oh...Winter is here."

"Yes. I. Am." Crystal said folding her arms. "I came here to tell you, that...This task...Harry, you know what to do. I'll try stall him from finding it. I promise."

"Task? What task?" Mrs Weasley asked.


"It's a task Dumbledore left Ron, Hermione and I to do. It's going to help us fight Voldemort." I say. "But first, we need to talk to Mr Ollivander and Griphook."

Draco's POV:

I felt bored, just watching Naagini kill someone. Okay, I was scared but, I feel lifeless without Harry... "Potter's demise..." Volde-The Dark Lord mumbled.

"I must be the one to kill Harry Potter!" Voldemort cried. Crystal walked in looking tired, and she had a ton of scars on her. Her clothing was ripped and she had a bruise on one eye."Crystal, my dear-Find out what Potter's doing, with your Mind Reading.Now."

Crystal took a seat far from the Dark Lord. "CRYSTAL!" Bellatrix called "What do you see?"

"He's...He's after something. Something that can cost your life, Father...Something that you split your soul into. I don't know what it's called."

Okay, I, Draco Malfoy need to find Harry. Now.


It was hours and nights. The day finally came. Harry was going to defeat Voldemort... "Potter!" Draco yelled, he threw Harry's wand at him. harry catched it, after all he went through...

Voldemort, VS Harry.

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