Part Twenty-Three

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Antonios world collapsed. His child, without a heartbeat? That couldn't be possible. But doctors are supposed to be right, no?

Antonio had no idea what was going on with Nicole or his child, but he prayed to the higher powers to save both of them.

Normally the father would be with the mother while doing a c-section, but in an emergency like this it wasn't possible. It could be too traumatizing to see your child in the worst scenario possible, was the words the doctor told him before the doctor left to the operating room.

In the operating room however;

The doctor and the nurses had their hands full to try to save Nicole and the unborn child. They had put Nicole under anesthesia so they could insert a breathing tube to her lungs since she was unconscious and couldn't breath properly. Nicole's pulse were too slow, her heart where in bradycardia; if her pulse dropped any more she would go into cardiac arrest.

Nurses did everything to prepare for the c-section; everything from sterilizing the skin on Nicole's stomach to help the doctor get dressed in a sterilized way; making sure that everything (the gloves etc.) where completely free from any bacteria that may cause infections.

The staff placed themselves in their positions, and the doctor begun the procedure. He placed the scalpel on her lower abdomen; making a 6 inch incision to access the uterus, and after that the doctor makes an incision as well to get access to the baby.

He placed down the scalpel on the non-sterilized table and placed his hands along the sides of the now open uterus; gripping the head and the small body of the child.

"One, two, three," the doctor counted before he pulled the child out, normally the child would scream by now; but this child didn't even move. A nurse took clamps and placed them on the umbilical cord and a pair scissors to cut it of. The doctor handled the baby to the nurse, and the nurse in her turn ran with the baby to the crib where other doctors did CPR and helped the child to breath with a breathing tube. They rushed the child to the neonatal unit where they hoped to be able to save the young life.

Still in the operation room was Nicole and her team working on stitching the incisions close. But they didn't want to wake her up yet, it was too risky to even try. She needed to heal in her own phase, so they decided to let her wake up from the anesthesia on her own in the ICU.

When the doctor was done he went out to the dressing room to get on some clean clothes. He then returned to the waiting room to inform Antonio;

Antonio sat on the sofa with Nicole's parents, they waited anxiously to see the doctor and hear about what have happened. And when they saw the doctor all three stood up, asking the same thing at the same time; Are they alive?

The doctor looked at them;
"Nicole are alive but still in anesthesia. It's too risky for us to force her to wake up with medication in this state. She have bradycardia, which means a slow pulse, and in basic English that means that she can die if the pulse drops even lower. Her breathing are unstable, so for now she will have the help from a respiratory to breathe,"

"What about our-..."

"However, when we delivered the baby, it didn't breath. They helped the baby to breathe while giving CPR and then they rushed to the neonatal unit. That's all I knew. But before I walked out here, I got a call from the doctor who took over. Your precious son are alive, Mr. Shadow. Congratulations,"

UNEDITED (!!!). WOHO, FINALLY A CHAPTER! Took me long enough, though. I hope you enjoy it, and I will try to update once again in a few days. I'll also try to explain why I have been so inactive. Please, forgive me for that.

Lots of hugs and kisses to my dear readers,

~ Ame

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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