Part Ten

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Nicole woke up to Antonio screaming in anger, she looked around the room and she noticed that she is in his room, on his bed, untied.

All of a sudden she started to remember what happened the last time she was awake; Antonios' brother raping her, choking her so she lost conscious. Nicole started to tremble, letting the tears roll down her cheeks as she curled up into a ball, letting the memories get to her.

She didn't know how long but eventually Antonio opened the door and walked in, coming closer to her and the bed.

"N-No, l-leave me alone.." She whispered, watching his every move with so much fear. He didn't listen, instead he sat down on the bed, lifting her up and placing her on his lap, holding her close.

Nicole hissed as the soreness between her legs that now did it noticeable for her to feel. Antonio kept on holding her, whispering soft words in her ear as Nicole cried harder.

She wondered what would happen If she actually died? I mean, not a single person from my family seems to even look out for me anymore. It's been 3 weeks here, after all. So I would've understand if they didn't continue to search for me.

Antonio caress her back in a soft manner, telling her that his brother won't come near her ever again. Nicole wanted to believe it but she just couldn't. What if he'd lie to her just so she would feel safe? As her body went more and more weak after all the attacks of panic and anxiety she felt her eyelids begin to get heavier as well. As soon as she glanced up to Antonio one more time Nicole let sleep take over her.


The next time Nicole woke up she had been placed on the bed, wrapped up in a big coozy blanket. She noticed that she was completely alone, letting out a big sigh of relief. She somehow managed to get free from the blanked wrapped all around her and she stood up on shaky and weak legs, leaning against the wall for support as she walked towards the door leading to Antonios bathroom.

She do believe in dreams, every kind of them. Maybe not those nightmares with big green monsters. But the more realistic ones. Nicole had a dream about herself, dying from Antonio and that she was free from him. If she had dreamt it, she was sure my faith would want it to happen.

Nicole walked in with heavy steps in to the bathroom, opening up a bathroom cabinet and she nearly cried when she saw what she had looked for on the shelf. On the shelf laid a pair of razors, waiting to get used. She took them and placed them on the counter and then she did it without any regrets.

She placed the razor blades against her wrist, pressing it down hard as she let it slide over my veins. The blood started to flow right away as she made lines with the blades. The blood ran down to her elbow, to the floor and onto the marbled counter.

Nicole was sure as Hell that Antonio would kill her if he saw the mess she was making. As she continute to make more and more cuts over both of her wrists she started to feel very, very dizzy. The blood loss are doing its magic. She did a few more cuts, deeper into the wrists this time before her eyes started to see black dots as she finally lost conscious for hopfully the last time in her life.

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