Kaden barely spared him a glance, shrugging before replying. "No."

"Okay.." Farren trailed off. This wasn't half awkward.

Kaden sat at the counter for a minute, tapping his nails off the top. "I'm going." He finally said, as Farren poured himself a glass of water from the jug in the fridge.

"Kaden is something wrong?" He asked, finally sick of holding his tongue.

Kaden halted in his tracks, turning to face him with a grimace. "What do you care?"

Farren didn't know what was Kaden's problem, but suddenly feelings over anger came over him. "What do I care? What the fuck does that mean Kaden?"

Kaden too was starting to become angry, stepping towards Farren with a glare. "It means you should fucking mind your own business."

"Mind my own business? Kaden, you've been so fucking hostile with me all week and that's all you have to say." He shot back, his voice raising.

"Farren. Drop it." Kaden grumbled in a scarily low threatening voice, taking a step towards him.

"No Kaden. I'm not dropping it this time. I haven't bothered you about it all week, but you've been so on and off with me and I don't fucking know why." He retorted with hostility, not backing down as he took a step towards Kaden.

"Why does it bother you so much?" Kaden asked, seeming just annoyed more than anything at this stage.

Farren thought about the question for a moment, before sighing in defeat. "I don't know Kaden. I don't fucking know. It just does."

Kaden took another step towards him. "Why?" He asked, his voice dangerously low and calm, which only succeeded in angering Farren once again.

"It's just fucking confusing Kaden." He said, almost shouting at this stage.

"Oh Jesus Farren. I'm so sorry that my fucking mood confuses you so much." Kaden snapped sarcastically. "I'll try to be less annoying."

"That's not what I'm saying Kaden, stop putting words in my mouth. I know there must be something going on for you at the moment but you're not telling me anything." Farren shouted back in frustration, taking another step towards Kaden.

"You don't know anything." Kaden seethed angrily in reply as he too moved closer to Farren.

At this stage there was just mere inches between the two of them. But Farren was so caught up in the argument that he barely had time to register their close proximity.

"Yeah, your right. Because you don't tell me anything." Farren said, his voice slightly quieter now.

"Farren just drop it."

"No." Farren replied adamantly. Kaden wasn't getting away easily this time. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Why do you care?"

"Because I fucking care about you. Happy?" Farren growled in reply.

"Just give it a rest Farren."

"Not until you tell me. I thought we were friends. And friends trust each other."

"Shut up Farren."

"No. I'm not gonna drop this until yo-"

"Farren, I said shut up." Kaden interjected, his voice a menacing growl.

Playing The Straight Game [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now