The Silver Trilogy - Simpler Times

204 7 29

21st August 2017

Hey guys! Its been a while since I last uploaded, for which I am very very sorry. I'll try and make it up to you guys in the next couple of weeks. I've got some other ideas for short stories that I should be putting out, and I want to begin writing a few more books as well. I won't be posting any books for another couple of months though. Just while I finish my trip in New Zealand. There is a new book/series I've come up with that, if I manage to do it well, could be even better than the Silver Trilogy. But I'll talk more about that later. For now, I leave you with this.

This short story is set before the Trilogy, and around three years after A Modern Day Dragon. There isn't too many spoilers if you happen to be reading this before the trilogy, but it does explain some things that I missed, as well as leaving some very minor hints as to what Eldawin's story will explain. So without further ado, here it is.


A bright afternoon sun shone down upon a small mountain range lost in the American wilderness. Lush green tree leaves soaked in its brilliance, and baked stone mountainsides reflected its glare. Light spun off a pristine lake, situated nearly in the centre of the valley, with groves of river brushes thriving on its banks and schools of fish speeding below the surface.

One of these schools of fish was suddenly startled as a wickedly fast flash of what could only be explained as steel stabbed into the water, spearing one, before flicking it up into the air. A boastful snort of satisfaction followed as the culprit turned toward her brothers with a grin of contempt.

"Haha!" Silver exclaimed in Drakin, "Told you I would do it first!"

The fish skewed on the end of her tail flapped itself one last time before giving up its life and falling limp. The hatchling dragoness was around the same size as a husky, no more than three years old. Her yellow eyes sparkled with a childish curiosity. Her tail and wings were still a little too large for the size of her body. The metal shell shone in the sun, reflecting the area around her with startling detail.

Her fire dragon brothers each had their own way of showing their annoyance at her boast. Raize snorted and turned back to the water, determined not to be outdone. He was the smallest of the lot, though not by much. His red scales were a little scratched and dirtied from a recent tussle with the other hatchling of the family, Blaze. Blaze was the biggest, and probably strongest, of the three.

The larger sibling growled at Silver and swatted the water angrily with his paw, scaring away half a dozen fish that had begun to slowly make their way over to the three hatchlings. Raize let out a yowl and snarled at his brother.

"What did you do that for?" he exclaimed, "I had one right in my paws!"

Blaze only grunted in contempt, "Well Silver's already won, so it doesn't really matter."

"I still wanted to catch a fish though," Raize let out a squeaky growl, before pouncing and dragging the other hatchling to the ground, the two of them falling right into the cold river.

Watching them, laying spread out on the bank, was the father of the three miscreants. A large metal dragon. Elron. He was around the size of a small bus, with massive wings each nearly the size of his body. Two horns were present on the back of his head, covered a metal shell that also enveloped the top half of his neck, back and snout, as well as the entirety of his wings and tail. He wasn't a very old dragon, maybe thirteen at the most, but there was an almost ancient sparkle in his eye, making him seem far older than he was.

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