Dragon's of the Silver Trilogy Pt2

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30th December, 2016

Hey guys! This is the next ten dragons for the Silver trilogy. WARNING: Contains minor spoilers for the Silver Trilogy. I do not recommend reading if you haven't read at least 'The Silver Revenge'. Enjoy :)



Rarity: Extremely rare

Category: Energy

Characteristics: Shadow dragons are a smaller species of dragon, around the size of a wind dragon, with pure black scales. They have bladed wings and a long bladed tail. Along their back is row of sharp spines and they have two curved horns on the back of their head. Their wings are larger then average and they have long claws, longer then normal. They have two sharp curved horns on their head

Powers: Shadow dragons are able to breath a substance that is similar to fire, but instead of burning it degrades and causes massive amounts of pain to anyone effected. They are also able to access what is known as the 'shadow dimension', a dark place that is a mirror of the real world, but while in the shadow dimension they can only watch. Powerful shadow dragons are able to absorb power from the shadow dimension, allowing them to become even more powerful.

Strengths: Shadow dragons are able to effectively teleport by travelling through the shadow realm. This allows them to escape most situations rather easily, and allows them to dodge even the fiercest of attacks. The blades along their wings and tail can be used to cut maim and weaken other dragons, and their small stature allows for lightning quick attacks.

Weaknesses: Being small in stature they are rather weak physically and can often be battered quite easily. A weakness for them would be dragons that could withstand a lot of punishment, as well as dish out as much. These include metal and earth dragons. Also, if there are no shadows around they are unable to fade into shadow. This makes them weak against light and fire dragons as well.

Equilibrium: When a shadow dragon reaches this point they become darkness. They become shadow. The area they control would become nearly pitch black, and much like flames, they would descend down upon unwary victims leaving a dead patch behind. Anything caught within this equilibrium would be trapped by an extreme amount of pain and anguish. It is one of the most feared of the equilibriums.

Mastery: A master of shadow would be able to control darkness in every way. They would be able to disappear and reappear anywhere there would be shadow. They would be able to draw on the darkness around them and create their own shadow in unlikely places. Their powers would allow them to travel inside the body of another and rip them apart from the inside.

Other: Shadow dragons are usually rather cunning creatures that prefer to live in solitude. They are the only species of dragon that prefers to come out during the night.


Rarity: Extremely rare

Category: Energy

Characteristics: Light dragons are a smaller species of dragon around the size of a wind dragon. They have yellow creamy scales with pale orange lines running across their body. Some say these lines are ruins that say something about the characteristic of the dragon. They have delicate, transparent wings and soft scales. A row of small spikes run down their back and they have a long wirily tail. They have two straight horns on the back of their head.

Powers: Light dragons are able to breath a beam of heat and light that varies in power. They can make their bodies glow to light up the area around them. Powerful light dragons can control light to change the colours of certain things, and even make illusions. Some light dragons can even heat up the light around them and burn things that come near.

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