"You might want to move?"

It was only then that Farren realised how compromising their position looked. The fall had left him with one leg on either side of Kaden's knees, straddling him. His left arm was planted on the bed next to Kaden's chest, his right arm by his side.

Their bare chests were very close and Farren could feel Kaden's breaths on his forehead.

He looked up to make eye contact with him, and a that moment everything froze.

Farren suddenly became extremely conscientious of the fact that they were both hardly dressed, each of them just clad in boxer shorts.

The two stayed in that position for what felt like years. Neither of them dare to spoke. Farren's breath was hitched in his throats and he could feel Kaden's breath growing quicker.

This was not supposed to happen.

He couldn't help his eyes from moving down Kaden's face, until they came to rest at his lips.

Oh lord have mercy.

Subconsciously, he felt himself kick his own lips, and if possible Kaden's breathing seemed to be becoming more laboured.

"Farren," Kaden breathed, breaking both the silence and Farren out of his trance.

He pushed himself off Kaden as fast as lightning​ and back to his own end.

Neither of the boys said anything for a moment, and Farren waited with bated breath for Kaden to snap at him. But he didn't.

He realised he was looking too much into it. While it felt like it could have been a week, their little.. moment.. was actually probably only three seconds long.

Kaden probably thought nothing of it. And why would he, to an outside observer it would have just looked like a slip.

"What fucking time is it anyway?" Kaden grumbled, succeeding once again in breaking the silence. Kaden also confirmed what Farren was thinking, he hadn't thought anything of the moment.

"Almost half four."

"Why the fuck were you on top of me at half four in the fucking morning?" Kaden asked in disbelief. God, this boy sure was fond of his curse words.

"I told you, I slipped." Farren responded, grateful for the darkness for concealing his blush.

At this stage the boys were both sat up facing each other, Farren leaning between the headboard and the wall, and Kaden leaning against the footboard.

It took Farren a lot of will to stop his eyes from drifting to Kaden's bare chest.

"I know you slipped, but why? What were you doing?"

"Going to get a drink of water." He answered truthfully.

"At four in the morning?" Kaden asked uneasily.

"Yes." He replied quietly.

"Farren?" Kaden asked with concern, this time speaking quite softly.


"How long?"

"What?" Farren asked, playing dumb.

"You know what I mean Farren," Kaden sighed. "How long have you been awake?"

"All night." Farren admitted, knowing there was no point in lying.

"I thought you said things were improving?" Kaden asked, not seeming impressed.

"They are. Trust me. I've slept relatively well these past few days. This is probably the first completely sleepless night I've had so far this week."

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