Chapter Two: Forget Me Not

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A/N: WARNING! Things will get a little heated in this chapter. So, if you're.... thirteen, I'll suggest, or younger please be advised. If you want to skip through the fluff, go until you see;


     .... this!
     And I'm also dedicating this chapter to JustALamp who gave me the prompt that made me have to label this chapter as heated ;)
Again, things get heated. Proceed with caution. You've been warned. And it starts, now...


     I leaned over the railing of my favorite monument, the Eiffel Tower, and overlooked the city. My city. I breathed in the cool, crisp air and let out a content sigh. A pair of arms slipped around my waist, but I remained calm. I would know this arms anywhere.

"Minou." I smirked as I let Chat Noir's defined chest lean on my back as his head found itself in the crook of my neck.

"Princess." His voice was smooth, but there was something off about it. He sounded... wary. Tired. I turned around and slid my arms around his waist, resting my head against his chest and hearing the steady heartbeat thrumming. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I replied as I lifted my head and found my nose inches from his. Without a second thought I crushed my lips to his.

I moved my lips against his as we kissed, gently licking his bottom lip for permission to enter. He obliged, and our tongues started mingling together. He was intoxicating, alluring, and everything I needed.

As we kissed, his hand found its way to the small of my back and pressed lightly, pushing me into him. My own hands wandered up to the nape of his neck, hands curling in his soft hair.

We pulled away briefly to breath before diving back in, with more fervor than before. As if we wouldn't see each other again.

Adrien moved his hands lower and gently scooped me up and set me down on the railing, I moved my legs to wrap around his waist as his hands rested on mine to keep me steady. I explored the new angle of entry to his mouth.

When we pulled back again instead of continuing I felt his lips start making a trail down my cheek, then my chin, neck, chest.... an involuntary moan escaped my lips as he gently bit a sensitive spot right above my collarbone. My legs squeezed against him harder and I leaned my head back to allow full access as a feeling of ecstasy filled me.

"Adrien." I warned, though I wasn't sure what I was warning him of. He continued his assault on my chest and I gasped. When he finally trailed back up to my lips I took control and began my own invasion.

I made a track of kisses down his cheek and then back towards the soft flesh right under his ear and behind his cheekbone. I grabbed a little with my teeth and sucked, letting it go with a pop. The slight moan he made had a satisfied smirk on my lips.

Suddenly, we were on the hard, metal floor. I wasn't sure when we moved, but I didn't care. My tongue darted out and licked the spot I had sucked on, easing the already red spot appearing.

I straddled Chat and gave a little jolt as his claws lightly scraped the exposed skin of my back where my shirt had gone up. I hadn't even known my transformation had completely wore off, but I did not care. The intensity died down and I pulled back, gasping heavily as I tried to regain my composure and slow my ragged breathing. Adrien wasn't any better off, and he caught my cerulean eyes in his stunningly emerald orbs. I felt captivated by the spark that erupted in a low pit in my stomach.

A mewling caught my attention and I glanced up to see the faint outline of a black cat, it's green eyes met mine and it meowed again. Turning away, the cat ducked down and rubbed its back on the ground as it turned. At this point my averted attention caught Chat's and he tilted his head back to see what I was looking at.

"Oh look, a baby me!" He joked. I poked him in the ribs and he chuckled.

"Wait, Adrien, look!" I pointed to the cat, who had stopped rolling around and now sat up, but that wasn't what caught my attention; I squinted to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me, but sure enough it was still there.

"Hey look, it's a baby you!" Another rib jab and chuckle.

I watched as the small, fluttering ladybug landed on the nose of the cat. I smiled softly at the pair.

Turning back to my partner, I booped his nose and smiled.

"I do believe I love you, Adrien Agreste."

"And I do believe I love you, Marinette Agreste."

"I do believe you mean Dupain-Cheng." I remarked sarcastically, an eye roll automatically happening.

"Not for long." He said, smirking as he started kissing me again.

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