Prince of Knights Chp1

Start from the beginning

She wrapped her hijab tightly around her head then darted to her father's tent that was in the middle of the tribe. Everywhere she turned to look, children screamed and ran to find a hideout. Raghad was bewildered.

What on earth is happening to her peaceful tribe?

Sand particles rose in the air and formed a thin cloud of dust as more horses galloped around. "Gather the women and children at once!" yelled a voice from far away but she recognized it very well. Her heart thundered inside her bust. Men, she could not recognize held red flags and long swords had invaded her tribe. She disregarded the sweat that trickled down her forehead despite the chilly winter.

She gulped and realized her throat was dry and a dizzy feeling filled her head, she knew she had to do something, but what could she possibly do? Father. Something called out for her which pushed her feet faster to her father, Sheikh Faisal.

Raghad paid no heed to the herds that wailed for human attention, their horrified yells increased the seriousness of the deadly situation around her. "Gather the knights at once!" Once again the same voice barked over the noises. Raghad stopped near a small crowd of men and women and pushed away two of her tribe's men that helped women to hide.

She had to see her father and soon.

Her eyes fell upon a man on top of a white horse 'Barq' with his back to her. "Do not allow them to come any closer," yelled Badr's voice, her dearest elder brother; the heir of this tribe and the leader of their knights.

Cold chills ran down her spine like a serpent, her brother, her knight looked furious. She knew Badr was enraged from this sudden ambush which had caught him off guard. She watched with eyes wide as Badr drew out his long beautiful sword from its sheath and tears stung in her eyes.

Raghad tore her eyes from him, from her brave brother and took a step towards her father's tent however soon was stopped by a hand on her arm. She looked over her shoulder and a pair of dark brown eyes clashed with hers. "Mother!" she cried and threw her hands around the elderly women.

"Oh Raghad, I have been looking for you everywhere my child." Umm Badr sighed in relief but her voice shook in fear. She looked at her daughter with those gentle, wise eyes filled with horror.

"Mother, what is happening? Where is Father?" Raghad gasped.

A desolate and frightened look appeared on her mother's face. She grabbed her daughter's arms and squeezed them. "Child, stay here with the other women, your father and brother are among the knights. They must know, what is the reason behind this unfortunate event?" Raghad bit her lip.

Being the wife of the Sheikh, Umm Badr was known for her bravery, but right that moment Raghad witnessed clouds of trepidation pass behind the veils of her mother's eyes. "Ya Allah, help my father for he is a loyal servant of yours." She prayed, and then looked around. The crowd of women got thicker and she knew soon they would be escorted to their tents.

She desired to know what was wrong. Raghad wished to catch a glimpse of her beloved father. She wanted to know what was the reason behind this unforgivable invade of her tribe. However, she also knew she could not do that, the only alternative she had was to lie to her dearest mother.

"Ya Allah." She huffed, desperate searching for an escape.

"What is it?" demanded her mother, her attention now on her beautiful daughter and her brown eyes narrowed in concentration.

"Ummi, I, Nouf was with me by the well. I left her there all alone." Raghad lied and asked for forgiveness from Allah right away. She must leave her mother to find the truth, knowing Umm Badr she would not let Raghad out of her sight only if it were for someone's safety.

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