It's over part 3: Ezra's record

Start from the beginning

Ahsoka sighed.

She knew he would say that.

It wasn't the first time she tried to talk to him. But this time she decided to be persistent.

"For the last time, it isn't your fault! You haven't failed him! He decided to sacrifice himself to save you all!"

"I should save him! I should be the one to sacrifice my life to save my padawan!", he shouted.

"You couldn't know what he wanted to do! You didn't have a chance to save him! It was his decision to do this!", the torguta yelled.

"IT WAS A...", Kanan was interrupted by his com.

"Master Jarrus", commander Sato's voice echoed out of it, "I need you and your crew at the common room, immediately!"

Kanan sighed.

"Copy that, we'll be there in five minutes", with that he shut the com off.

"Let's go!", Ahsoka said.

The two force users made their way to the Ghost.

As they entered the cockpit they saw a very busy Hera reading two datapads at the same time.

"Kanan?", Hera asked when she looked up. 

She was a bit confused about him being on her ship, again...

They haven't seen each other for a while.

"Commander Sato wants us at the common room", he simply said.

The twi'lek nodded and reached for her com, "Guys, we have a meeting with commander Sato, meet me, Kanan and Ahsoka at the ramp!"

Two minutes later the whole crew plus Ahsoka was at the Ghost's ramp.

Sabine had her helmet on and Zeb  looked very annoyed while Chopper just stood silent.

Since Ezra was gone he stopped with playing pranks and messing with others. He just did whatever he was told to do and didn't even argued.

Even though Chopper is a droid, he somehow has feelings...

Or had them once...

The former family made their way to the common room of their new base.

Since Ezra was gone the ghost crew wasn't a family anymore.

The only person that held them together was dead.

And so was that family, too...

They all entered the common room and saw a few familiar faces.

Wedge Antilles... Mart Mattin... a few other rebels... and commander Sato standing in front of a cloaked figure.

"Commander Sato", Hera greeted.

Now everyone's attention turned to them.

All rebels looked with sorrow at the crew. The whole rebellion knows about their loss.

"General Syndulla, this person wants to talk to you and your crew", Sato said.

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