"Ain't you coming?" Vik takes my wrist and makes his intentions known.

"Yeah, in a minute. I forgot something in my car," I need space.

"Was that something a pair of cold feet?"

His voice is amused but his look is dead serious. I am fighter, I know how to bluff. Once I went through a whole fight with a broken rib without ever crying out. But with him I am like a schoolgirl told off by a teacher. I can't seem to hide anything from his prying eyes.

"I don't want to go in together. And I'll move out of your room," I state.

"No," he shrugs.

"Vik, come on. When Daniel gets back he won't appreciate you fucking his only daughter. Plus, what the fuck is this?" I wave between us "You can go back to your usual diet of willing rotters and I got to keep my head in the fights. It was fun, we are back."

Shit! I know instantly that he is angry, his jaw twitching, his muscles flexing and he throws his head back looking down on me. And it scares me on so many levels. He seems like a laidback cute model but he is a biker, born in the life. Killing, maiming, shooting is natural to him. But there is something deeper in me that shakes my resolve and I choose to ignore it as his stiff body invades my personal space.

"Fun?" he hisses. "Is this funny to you? Cause I sure as Hell ain't joking."

"What I mean..."

"You are coming in. With me. In my room. I'll deal with Daniel once we get him back. And I am not planning on fucking anyone else."

I gape at him and I try to talk. This all would be so much easier if he was any less imposing and goddamn sexy. But I fight back, I know I must. I will be leaving right after we get Daniel out after all.

"It's not going to work well," I try my last card. "You are my trainer, Vik, and I am your fighter. That's all."

"You are my woman," he tugs me to him.

Oh, no, no! I panic, my mind going numb upon impact. This is not happening. He did not just say that to me. And I did not just shiver with joy hearing him admit that. I can't allow this silly, giggly girl dominate me. I will stop her giddy lap of triumph. This is not who I am, it's a person I cannot be.

I am ready to tell him that, push him away, remind him that I am my own woman, I belong to no one. But when he pushes me up slightly, rubbing me against his firm body so that our lips meet, I forget what I was mad about and melt against him.

"Mine, Lys. My woman, my fighter," he breathes over my lips.

He doesn't allow me to answer, just slams his mouth on mine. There are a thousand voices in my head screaming at the same time a thousand reasons to back away now. He is a man-whore, he is Daniel's brother, he is lying, he is infuriating, I got the fights, it's too soon, it's too much. But one voice, one calm, even voice dominates them and hushes them all. It doesn't talk with words and uses no logic. It's pure feeling. And damn me but he feels right. I break the kiss and look into his eyes.

"Good," he leans in and leaves a kiss on the top of my head.

We enter the bar that is packed to its capacity. It's not a party but that doesn't mean that there isn't alcohol and women for the brothers to release the tension that is palpable in the air. The Riders have a violent reputation, not any less ever since the California chapter has turned to legit businesses under Tor's command. For one of their own, an Earl of all people, to be snatched and used as a hostage is a declaration of war.

As people start to notice we are in, they all stare at our twined fingers. Especially the rotters. They don't seem happy about it and a wave of anger rises in me. Vik might have broken through the Cold Bitch's defense but that doesn't mean I can't kick some skanky asses for looking at my man like that. Who? My. Fucking. Man. Damn right!

Fight On (Riders of Tyr #3 - MC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now