They reached to the hall where they were experimenting with wormholes. The hall was full of small cylinders, tightly packed.

"What are these?" -Batman asked after picking up one.

"These are the beacons, which we were deploying. Our plan was to create a map from it and later manually jump to these beacons and deploy more, nothing more, just a curious project to know more."

"You said, you cannot sustain the wormhole, then what is that?"- John pointed toward the middle of the room where a large metal ring was spinning like a wheel.

"That's just ring spinning and I can create a wormhole but can't sustain it, it just collapses in a fraction of a second."

"I can see, I see a view of the other side." - John said calmly and this time Batman was little curious about why John is so calm about this?

"You mean, there is a wormhole here which we are not able to see but you can?"- Lex questioned the possibility of the situation.

"I think it's because of my psychic nature."

*Are you serious?*
*Yes, come and let me show you.*

Batman Walked towards the John and grabbed his shoulder and suddenly like something invisible unveiled inside the Ring.

*We need to hurry, he is inside there, lost and probably waiting for us.*
*I am going in, watch over my body.*

Batman stepped aside to give John room for his Meditation and John float in air slowly and took a meditative posture.

*Keep me updated, I don't want to lose you too.*

John said nothing and stayed in his position.

hours have passed and nothing from John. In the meantime, Batman asked Lex everything to know about the methods Lex using to open the wormholes and tech behind Beacons. He also opened one of it and tinkered it for few minutes and then he started looking into archives stored by Superman. Lex kept tinkering with his wormholes tech and machinery and Batman away from both Lex and John scouting for every part of Fortress, looking into each item and things he can reach.

"Batman! Where are you? Come fast, you need to see this?"- Lex was yelling in fear on the radio.

"What is it?"

"John! It's John's body, his body, it's morphing into something else, I want you to do something."

"How did you became so coward Lex? The Lex I knew was brave enough to even face Darkseid."- No answer from Lex. Batman ran towards the hall and saw Lex pointing towards John body in fear.

John body was getting bigger and horns and thorns were coming out of his every side, his skin turned red and he started breathing heavily like an Angry bull.

Suddenly breathing stop and John landed on the floor, he turned around and saw Batman with his Batarang in his hand ready to strike and Lex hiding behind Batman with a weapon-like object in his hand.


"Look at yourself and tell me."- Batman lowering his Batarang and Lex weapon-like object.

"Oh, sorry about this, this realm is swarming with highly unstable energy but this energy is psychic in nature composed of basic human emotions like Anger, lust, hate, disgust, and jealousy, so they affect minds first but due the volatile nature they affect physical things too so that's why my body reacted to it. My apologies if I startled you."- John said as calm as he always says.

"You named emotions which are sinful in nature------."

"What about Superman?"- Lex asked interrupting Batman.

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