Chapter ten

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Dammit, I thought, stop acting like I'm jealous. I stop beside my door and scowled, thinking back as Jeffery put his arm around her and she didn't do anything. He was smirking at me the whole time! He knew what he was doing and I still let it get to me. I heard a snicker behind me and whirled around to find Ray.

"Suspicions confirmed, you love Cat." She stated, smirking and crossing her arms.

I looked at her dumbfounded, though of course she couldn't see that, "what?"

She snorted and slid her gaze over to Cat's door, "please, I see how you look at her. Your not as sneaky as you think you are when you stare at her you know."

"How do you know I was staring at her I have a cover on my face?" I asked bewildered.

She smirked and tapped her head, "I can sense it ya know. I have psychic powers as well."

Her piercing blue eyes looked at me, and I felt like they were looking into my very soul, I didn't doubt it for a second. My cheeks burned, embarrassed for being caught, I shifted my head so it was facing the floor. I was really hoping Cat wouldn't notice, she was pissed of at me and I hurt her.

"Is it that easy to tell?" I ask.

She shrugs, "I don't know, I don't think so, I'm just really intuitive."

I sighed in relief and leaned against my door, thinking about how awful I've been treating Cat. I haven't talked to her in over a week and when we do it's normally to yell at her. I mean, I didn't even wish her a happy birthday for crying out loud. I failed at being a friend.

Hanging my head I scowled at the ground, like it was to blame for all my problems.

"What do I do?" I groaned.

"Well for starters you need to apologize, for everything. Then find some way to make it up to her and start with that. Take her out, share some memories, make her laugh. That's only the beginning of what you need to do to make up for what you did."

"How did you know?" I asked shocked.

"Jeff told me."

"So you and Jeff are buddies, too?"

"No, in fact I really want to hit him most of the time, but we made a deal, and I really want to see this deal go through."

Dumbfounded I stand up straight and started to ask, "what dea-"

"Hoodie! Boss gave us a job to do." I heard Maskie say.

I look at Raven and wonder if were gonna talk later, because I had a fair amount of questions piling up.

She smirked, pulled her hood up so that I could barley see her eyes, and said, "go proxy boy." and emerged into the darkness until she had vanished completely.

A shiver went down my spine as I had no idea if she was there or not, but I was really hoping the latter. Then reluctantly, I walked to Slender's office and awaited for orders...

Twenty minutes later, I was trekking deep through Slender's forest, to terminate some humans who had found their way here. Slender didn't have time for them right now, so he wanted us to do a quick job of it. Toby was a mile west and Maskie was a mile east while I was supposed to search to the north and see if I found anything.

Clutching the gun I had in my hand, I took great care with my steps, moving fast but silent. Concentrating on the sounds around me I heard nothing out of the ordinary. My walks tally began to radiate static and I hurried to grab it.

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