Chapter two

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Chapter two:


I sat in a chair in the living room, listening to the tv as I twisted my hands in anxiety. Someone was bound to see her eventually, and what would they see? A girl? Or a demon? I thought of poor Cathleen Rogers and wondered if she even knew yet. I was going to have to send the boys in soon, maybe with the help of Jeff. This couldn't go on, or Zalgo would find out and use the poor girl.

"Woah, Slendy, what's got ya thinking so hard?" Said Jeff from behind me.

I looked at him scowled, though he probably couldn't see that. That was one of the cons of having no face. At least I could still see and talk.

"Jeff, go get Hoodie, Maskie, Jack, and Smilie. We have a problem." I told him, softly.

He shrugged and was about to go off before he looked at me and said, "what about Toby and BEN?"

I shook my head, "I have a different job for those two."

With that he took off, leaving me to my own devices once again. Eight dead. Eight dead within a months time, one her own mother. They said they couldn't find her, just where was she hiding?

"Sir, you wanted to see us?"

I turned around to see Maskie and Hoodie looking at me expectantly, Jack and Jeff standing behind them and Smilie at their feet.

I stood up, with my tall, lean, body looming over them, I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, "we seem to have a problem. Someone's on a rampage and she's making quite an impression on this town."

"And by that you mean?" Jeff asked, that forever smile remaining on his white skin.

"Sit down this is going to be long," I told them and they did, on the overly large couch beside the wall, "a girl, about a month ago, killed a boy. At first I didn't think anything of it. Not until more people began dying, now, since today, eight people had died. At first it was teens, now she's killed her own mother. I want you boys to go and capture her, and bring her here, for me to talk to her."

"Wait, how do we even know if she's like us? A Creepypasta, sir?" Maskie asked, ever the intellectual one.

"I have a feeling, and if she isn't then she will be terminated. Simple as that." I told them.

"Do you know where she is?" Hoodie questioned.

I hesitated before stating, "no. But I expect you all to figure it out, and bring her her in record time."

Jeff groaned, but I ignored him and walked on, finding BEN in the gaming room, and Toby outside. I gathered the two of them up outside in the backyard and spoke in a very serious tone.

"I need the two of you to get information on Cathleen Delaine Rogers, most commonly known as CAT. Figure out what and who she is, and what she plans to do. I also need zalgo's plans on the girl, see if she's any use to us. If she's too dangerous for society and us, terminate her, immediately."

They nodded and walked away, already getting to work. I sighed and walked back into the house going to my room. It was late and I really needed sleep or was I was going to work myself to death. Not that I could ever really die, since I was immortal and all.


I woke to the cold chill seeping down my spine, I shivered and pulled the cover closer to my body. Unsuccessful in getting an inkling of warm I opened my eyes. What I saw scared me senseless and I had almost died. All I knew was that I wasn't home, if you could call it that. The ceiling was only made up of plywood and a barely finished roof. I got up, noticing I had been sleeping on the cold ground, a small blanket covering me up.

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