Chapter four

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Chapter four:


After introducing them all to Cathleen, I motioned for her to get up and follow me, which she did. I needed to understand her. After shutting and locking my office door, I sat down in a seat behind the desk. When she sat down I asked my first question.

"Miss Rogers, do you know who I am?" I asked.

She nodded giving me a confused look, "of course, your slenderman, I met you this morning, you told me to call you slender."

I nodded, "yes, but do you really know who I am? Who any of us are really?"

She hesitated before averting her eyes and muttering, "no."

"We're a group, called creepypasta. These kids came to me for help and I, in return, have helped them. They're hearts called out to me and I went to them. They need me, as do you."

"So... your saying that, my heart, cried for help and you answered it?"

"Simply stating it, yes."

"Why, though?"

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't needed anyone's help for as long as I remember, and I'm not going to start now."

"Miss Rogers please calm down. Now as I was saying-"

She interrupted me and I saw her eyes glow like there was a light within.

"Calm down? Calm down! My fathers dead, my mother abused me, that stupid frickin' town tormented me. I never needed anybody. For all I cared they could go and screw themselves and get killed and I was gonna kill them. And now your telling me that I need you! It sounds like to me Mr. Slenderman, is that you need me. To do what exactly I have no idea, but I don't want to, I'm done."

She rose from her seat and I watched in both horror and curiosity, as her hair turned to pitch black, and her pupils slit like a cats and dialate, her nails turn to claws and the canines in her mouth turn razor sharp.

What exactly was she? Even her voice changed. It sounded as if she had more knowledge in life than before.

"And on top of it all, I'm utterly and completely alone in this world and it scares me." Her voice cracked, and tears stained her cheeks.

Slowly she turned back into the girl I had seen before, and started crying even harder. I got up and pulled her into my embrace, the child was scarred and broken, but I believed I could fix her. Heal her.

"Sh, Cathleen, your not alone anymore. You have us, and we're here for you." I told her running a hand of her hair.

"No, your here for us, if you have me then you have her too, I can't leave her and I don't want too."

This intrigued me, who was her?

"Who is her Cathleen?" I asked.

She sniffed and looked at me with watery eyes, "CAT, she's the other me."

Multiple personality disorder. It rang clear inside my head, it means she's half demon. That also means Zalgo had something to do with this.

"Sh, don't worry, she'll have us just like you do, she's a part if you, Cathleen."

"Another thing."


"Call me Cat please, I'm not Cathleen anymore."

I chuckled lightly, "ok, Cat, ok."


That new girl, Cat, she was a bit intriguing. Her and Slender were in there a while now, close to lunch. Maskie decided he wanted Mac and cheese so I waited by the island while he cooked it. As he was just finishing it Jeff burst in and saw what we were eating, so he started to complain about how unfair it was that we weren't going to share. Before I could have the chance to strangle him, Cat walked in talking, by herself I might add.

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