Chapter one

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Chapter one:


My vision sharper, like my canine teeth and nails, I looked around the small town. Watching for my target, Jason. He'd been my tormenter for years, but no more. I'd end that. Tonight, Growling slightly, I crept along the trees.

I guess you could figure, I wasn't really Cat, oh but I was. I was just, a more sinister side of the fighting girl. While all she wanted was to leave, I wanted revenge. We were two in the same. Though when I came to the front, I looked slightly different. Not that anyone with this bloody town would realize that.

My eyes, still the same color of midnight blue, was glowing in the darkness, my pupils slitted like a cats. My hair was an inky black that spilled down my back like slick oil, but in reality was not oily at all, in fact it was shiny and healthy. My skin was shades lighter than usual, and it brought of the color of my natural black hair and glowing dark blue eyes. My nail were sharper, as well as the canine teeth in my mouth. I was more flexible and agile than before and could easily run faster, like I was now.

Finally I reached my destination, the park. Every Monday, he would go to the park at 6:00 pm and play with his dog. I know that from the gossiping girls in class. And now, their beloved Jason was going to die, all for the choices he made when he had first saw me.

I looked around, perched high up into a tree, and with enhanced hearing, heard the bark of a dog while a masculine voice called out to it.

A sinister smirk graced my mouth and I looked at the boy I was going to kill. Jason threw a ball into the woods, right under the tree I was standing in. I smirked at the imbecile and robbed to the ground, frightening the poor dog. I didn't have a choice, if this was the only way to get his attention, then so be it.

I made it quick, while the dog viscously barked and growled at me, in a firm voice I told him to go home. The dog obliged and did what I had commanded, running deeper into the forest. I could hear Jason, worried for his dog, shouting for him, looking into the woods by the forest line. He couldn't see me though, for the thick black fog that accompanied me wherever I went, hiding me from normal sight.

"Hunter! Hunter, come out boy! Where are you?" Jason said, concern and worry laced in his voice.

I grinned, this was going to be easy.

"Hello, Jason." I coyly called to him, coming closer.

"W-who's there?! Come out where I can see you!" Jason called.

So I did, letting the fog fold around the two of us, making sure no one else saw.

"CAT? Is that you? What's a little freak like yourself, doing in the park at night." He asked incredulously.

"Waiting for you, of course."


"You see Jason, I want to cut to the chase. I'm here to kill you, don't worry about your dog, he's long gone, probably gone home by now."

"Your crazy! Where is my dog, you little slut!" He said, stepping closer to me with his fists clenched.

"I told you, gone."

"Shut up! Show me where Hunter is before I call the cops!!"

"You can't Jason, there would be no point. You'd be dead by then."

"That's it! Step any closer and I'll yell, I'm calling the cops, you lunatic!" He yelled backing away, pulling out his cellphone before pressing the keys.

I smirk, and lunged. He dropped the phone and I saw he made the call, a women's voice asking him for the emergency. He let out a scream as I dug my nails into his chest. I laughed manically, pulling out a knife I put in my pocket. His eyes held so much fear in them, but it was no use, it only made me more excited. He screamed again when I plunged the knife deep into his abdomen, twisting it for more pain. I laughed again, the blood- his blood -ran over my hands and colored them red.

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