Authors note (really important)

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Hello my wonderful and faithful fans, I realise now that I have been gone for a really long time and after thinking about it, I decided to check in.

What a surprise I received!! I've read all the amazing comments and had a few good laughs over you wonderfully humorous people. But it's also made me feel like I needed to explain myself a little bit for the absence.

For the past few years, things have been bad for me and I decided I wanted a break (I had thought no one would really read this story and boy was I wrong) but after coming back and looking at how wonderful my fans have been to me I am happy to day that I'm returning and will continue to write.

This story is one of my master pieces and after retreading most of it I feel as if though I can make it even better. So I've decided I'm going to rewrite it. I will post again when I have the new first chapter up (which should most likely be tomorrow) and I hope you can support me in this decision.

Most of it will be the same but after all of my writing classes and self taught tips I think it could be so much better for you and me both.

I love you all and please continue to love me, my characters, and the creepy pasta we all love~~ bye!!!
See you soon~~

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