Sheild possibly getting back together?

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Hey so dean and Seth just got reunited which I'm super pumped about and now they just need roman, ugh why did they not get the shield back together sooner?I mean I understand solo competing but they can still do that with the shield in fact I think the company needs the shield big time, and it's nice to have something else to be really excited about besides Finn balor(anyone else hoping he brings back the demon king soon?!i MEAN with bray pouring blood on him I think it's time for revenge) so summerslam is tomorrow and I'm excited.Anyone else rooting for shinsuke to win against jinder mahal?however I heard he's in heat right now with Vince for botching majorly in his match with john cena practically almost breaking his neck so we'll see how that goes.Plus will someone please just fire James Ellsworth already?Seriously he's beginning to be a real pain in the butt and after that whole interrupting nioami's match I think Daniel Bryan should suspend him again or better yet just fire him he's literally doing nothing in the company except being annoying.I know they're trying to convey that you don't have to have a huge build to be in wrestling but come on Ellsworth seems more like the guy you find working at a car dealership than in the ring,also Carmella?i think totally did not deserve that money in the bank brief case, in my opinion she's not that good in the ring and her mic work is what keeps her there(of course this is my opinion though I mean no offense to any of you all that like Carmella).Then the fact that bayley couldn't compete in summerslam made me upset will someone please just de-throne Alexa bliss already?She's the type of heel that just annoyingly hated I'm really not a fan of the whole Harley Quinn gimik and it's really getting on my nerves atleast when Charlotte was a heel she was a heel in the GOOD way that made you love her even though you hated her,little miss bliss is just a massive brat(which means her acting it good and It's pretty impressive).Also I love Sasha and all but I think she should not be the one with the RAW title, I mean she's not very good at defending it you know what though I think RAW could really use some good talent in the women's division right now.I can't wait for when asuka actually gets put in the main roster because they really need a wrestler like that right now have you seen how long she's been keeping the NXT women's title?Ha this turned into me wanting to talk about the shield into a random rant of my rambling sorry lol.Its kinda late for me so I bid you all farewell for now.

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