When they met your family

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Becky-you were nervous and so was she,when you first introduced her you were surprised at how shy she was being.Once dinner started Becky warmed right up to them,your parents love her attitude your younger sister also loves her partially because Becky agreed to play dolls with her.

Sasha Banks-they liked her,you'r younger twin brother and sister seemed a little intimidated of her at first but once Sasha agreed to play with them they loved her so much.By the end of the night Sasha had multiple braids in her hair from your younger sister and was caught up in a serious game of monopoly with your younger brother.

Charlotte-your parents didn't like her at first especially because they had seen the way she acted on RAW.However your mom and Dad really liked her afterwards,she made you happy and that's what mattered to them,your younger brother though not the same story,he didn't like Charlotte at all in fact he was really intimidated by her.It made you sad that your bro didn't like Charlotte be what could you do?your little brother was stubborn.

Bayley-of course your family LOVED bayley,especially your grandma she loves how caring and kind bayley is to everyone she meets,her smile literally lights up the room.All your siblings wanted to play with her and all your relatives loved to chat with bayley.I mean come on she's one of the most lovable people in this world.

Alexa Bliss-Like Charlotte they had seen the way she acted on tv and didn't like it,especially your older brother.The only one that seemed to stick up for you and Alexa was your aunt,she advised your family not to jump to conclusions and she was right,once they met Alexa they all got along very well,your brother still wasn't quite keen on her but he was working on it.

Paige-your family likes her but wishes she didn't influence you to wear all dark cloths.Your father thought she was really interesting and your mother thought she was sweet,your younger sister by a year thought Paige was cool she loved her accent the most though.

Aj lee-Aj got really close to your mom and now whenever your mom comes over her and Aj get into a deep conversation,your father thought she was really weird and a little psycho but he still liked her none of the less.

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