He listened to the conversations all the way back to camp, when he got back he felt exhaustion weighing over him. He was definitely ready to get some sleep, he just hoped that AshClan didn't attack while SunClan slept, that would be a low move on their part. Falconpaw headed to the apprentice den and fell into his nest, ready to sleep the rest of the night away.

Unfortunately, he was not alone in his dreams, when Falconpaw woke into the strange forest he couldn't help but let out a groan. He was tired, he loved the training but even he needed his rest.

"I hope you're not upset to see me." Falconclaw mewed as he entered into view, the shadows seeming to slip off his pelt. His amber eyes were sparkly mischievously, and his tail twitching behind him.

"Of course not." Falconpaw lied, keeping his head high. He would never show that he was tired to Falconclaw.

"I hope no," Falconclaw flicked his tail over Falconpaw's ears. "I saw the gathering, you need all the training you can get."

"Can you see if AshClan is going to invade?" Falconpaw questioned, unsheathing his claws at the thought of battle.

"Any idiot could see that AshClan is itching for a battle, it's the only thing they're good for. AshClan are notoriously stupid. From Goldenstar to Ivystar to Lionstar to Riverstar, they're all incredibly stupid. They may want fights but they never win them, I've seen them all fall to their own ignorance in battle. Something that I will not let happen to you, my young apprentice."

Falconpaw looked Falconclaw in the eyes, they glimmered with ferocity and determination. "You'll be the greatest warrior of your time, I promise. I see potential burning inside of you; brighter than the fiercest fire."

Falconpaw could feel the blaze Falconclaw was speaking of, it swelled inside him. Falconpaw dug his claws into the earth below him. He bared his teeth. "So are we going to sit around talking or start training?"

Falconpaw's balance was knocked off and he hit the ground, he looked up only to see Falconclaw lashing towards him again. Falconpaw rolled away and jumped to his paws, avoiding the warrior's attack. Falconpaw barely had a moment to catch his breath before Falconclaw was attacking again, but he knew this routine. He should never let his guard down, it was the biggest mistake a warrior could ever make.

Falconpaw avoiding his attack, and lunged forward himself. He slipped under Falconclaw, the warrior was much larger than he was but he could use his small stature to his advantage. Falconpaw pushed up, his spine digging into Falconclaw's stomach. Falconclaw let out a hiss and his paws lost their balance on the ground. Falconpaw spun around after getting out from under the warrior, and lashed out. His paws hit Falconclaw's flank and Falconclaw spun around, his paw knocking Falconpaw's legs out from under him. Falconpaw hit the ground, the air left his lungs and he felt a burning in his ear as Falconclaw attacked again.

Falconpaw looked up in shock, he could feel a dampness to his ears. Falconclaw had used his claws! "Why did you do that?"

"Because, Falconpaw." Falconclaw looked down at him. "Real warriors don't keep their claws sheathed, it works for young apprentices but you're old enough and trained enough to use your claws now. I never want you to hold anything back!"

Ignoring the sting in his ear, Falconpaw jumped forward. Unsheathing his claws as he met Falconclaw's body in the air, it felt strange to use his claws during training, but it also felt right. His claws dug into Falconclaw's pelt, and he was thrown from the warrior. Falconpaw stuck his landing, and stared his mentor head on as he moved to attack. Falconpaw slipped out of the way and dashed around to rake his claws down Falconclaw's pelt. Dark red blood welled at the wounds, and Falconclaw spun around to shove Falconpaw to the ground.

A New Horizon: Book 1: Sun Awakening {COMPLETE}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora