~If Only~ Older! Taken! Dipper X single! Reader

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Hallo thereeee so i feel a little emotional for no reason >^< so I'mma write a sad one shot​ v-v this is gonna kill me because i think im legit in love with this dork and just imagining the pain in this hurts me T^T
Anywho enjoy the feels!
*dies on the inside after reading*
If you want another part for this just comment down below x3


"Oh god.. What do I do Y/N?" your best friend asked as he paced back and forth in his room.

"Just tell her how you feel Dipper, you'll feel better even if she doesn't return your feelings." you said as you swung your legs on Mabel's bed.

He sighed and sat on his bed.

"Ugh I wish this wasn't so difficult to just confess!" He groaned before covering his face with his pillow in frustration.

You found it adorable that he was so nervous about Wendy.

But you also felt hurt.

You had began having feelings for Dipper for a few months now after you had broken up with your ex-boyfriend.

He had been there for you the whole time. When you wouldn't get put of bed he would find ways to make you smile and laugh.
He'd hug you and take you to your favorite places.

He was there for you.

You stood up and sat next to him and removed the pillow.

"Aw come on Dippy you'll be fine!" you smiled before standing and holding your hands out.

"Ill go with you!" you smiled.

But on the inside you felt your heart break.

He looked at you and smiled.

You nodded and pulled him up.

He took in a deep breath before walking out of the room and downstairs.

When you both arrived into the shack you saw the red head sitting on a stool reading a magazine as always.

"H-Hey Wedny!" Dipper said nervously.

Wendy looked up and smiled brightly.

"Hey Dipper, what's up?" She asked.

Dipper stayed silent for a while before you gently nudged him.

"O-Oh um..well I've been meaning to tell you something." He said looking away shyly.

Wendy sat straight and leaned against the counter.

"Im all ears!"

You poked him catching his attention.

I gave him a sincere smile and took a step back.

"I'll be in the living room with Waddles." you stated as you walked away.

"Catch you later girl!" Wendy shot with a tip of her hat.

You nodded and forced a smile before walking behind the "EMPLOYEES ONLY" door.

You stood next to the door and listened closely.

"S-So um...I-I've been meaning to tell you that..." Dipper began nervousness clearly in his voice.

"What is it Dipper?" Wendy asked patiently.

You heard the brunette take a deep breath.

"We've known each other for quite some time and well.." He started.

"I really like being around you Wendy and..." He took a other deep breath and managed to spit put the words he wanted to say.

"I was wondering....if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"

There was a short silence.

You peeked from he door and what you saw shattered your heart.

Wendy had her arms around Dippers neck kissing him.
Dipper had his eyes wide open until he placed his hands on her waist and closed his eyes.

You forced yourself away from the scene before you broke down.

After a few seconds you heard Wendy speak.

"I'd love to."

You then heard a car honk.

"Oh! Its my friends, wanna come with me?" She asked.

You heard Dipper stammer.

"O-Of Course!" and with that you peeked once more and saw the two holding hands before Wendy kissed his cheek.

You turned around and pressed your back against the wall.

Tears pierced your eyes as you felt the pain in your chest grow.

You sat there completely frozen and broken while holding back your tears as many thoughts filled your heart shattered mind. You didn't realize you sat there for 20 minutes because when you looked at the clock it had been 2:15 and now it was 2:35.

"I-I was too late..." you choked out as tears streamed down your beautiful s/c face

Before you could break down you heard the back door from behind the living room and heard Mabel.

"Stan I'm ho- Y/N what happened?!" She said before she ran to my side.

"I-I...T-Too Late.." You choked out as tears streamed down your face.

"W-What do you mean?" Mabel said clearly worried sick.

"I-I..." you tried to speak only for it to come out in sobs.

"Oh god Y/N..i have never seen you break down like this before!" She exclaimed as she hugged me tightly.
She stood to see if Wendy was here.

"Where did Wendy go?!" Mabel muttered to herself.

Mabel then growled in her head as she also noticed her twin wasn't around either. She turned back to your shaking and weeping form.

"Here lets go up to my room." She stated as she helped me up.

Once she got me up on her bed she hugged me and stroked my hair soothingly.

You sobbed in her arms.

"Here let me get Dipper on the ph-" she attempted only for you to cut her off.

"N-NO!" you shouted before you looked down and sniffed.

Mabel looked at you before her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with one hand.

"Oh my gosh...Y-Y/N.." She said shakily as she hugged you again.

Mabel had known about your feelings for Dipper and she had just glued the pieces together of why neither him or Wendy were here.

"I-I was too l-late Mabel..." You hiccuped.

She then moved back and cupped your face.

"Aw Y/N! Its hard to see my best friend like this..." She said and you could see the sadness and worry in her eyes as well.

You sniffed and wiped your eyes.

"I-It was m-my fault..." you stuttered.

"I-I encouraged him t-to confess to her... B-Because I j-just want him to be ha-happy..." you choked out between sobs.

Mabel thought for a moment.

"Ohh I'm gonna kill that boy when he gets back!" She snarled as she clenched her fist.

"I-Its fine Mabel...P-ease don't tell him.." you sniffed and looked up at your friend with teary eyes.

She pondered for a moment before she rested a hand on your shoulder.

"Oh Y/N.." She whispered as she continued to comfort you.

Little did you know a certain brunette stood outside the door with his eyes widened.


Dipper X reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now