~Attention~ Lemon~

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Hello there again my friends! ^~^ I am back for that lemon i promised *wiggles eyebrows* 😂😂 anywhooo I wasnt really sure on what type of scenario but I got this from another Dipper X reader Oneshot by an awesome author
And since Wattpad is being dumb i cant find the user -3-
But hopefully you enjoy this lemon my little pervs x3 sorry its so long v-v

Mabel's POV:

"Dipper!!" I whined as i laid on my bed with my head hanging off of it.

"Yeah?" My nerd of a twin brother responded as he typed away at his laptop.

"You have to put that laptop down!" I pouted crossing my arms.

"Why?" He responded.

Narrowing my eyes I quickly sat up only to fall down on the matress after getting a headrush.

"Owww.." i mumbled while holding my head.

"Yeah....that's great Mabel.." Dipper said not even paying attention.

Grumbling I stood up and crossed my arms again.

"Ugh How does Y/N put up with you?" i muttered as i walked up and closed his laptop.

"Mabel, what the hell?!" Dipper exclaimed as he looked at his sister annoyingly.

"Off the laptop!" I barked.

He just rolled his eyes and opened his laptop again.

"Why don't you go play with Waddles or something? Im busy." Dipper said going back to typing.

Groaning loudly in defeat I sighed.

'How on earth do you handle him Y/N and his non-social ways?' I thought before leaving our room.
End of POV:

As Mabel trudged downstairs she was trying to think of a way to get him off the laptop.

"Aha! Maybe Y/N could get his lazy ass away from the laptop!" Mabel said quietly to herself before walking into the kitchen.

"Hey kiddo" Gruncle Stan greeted as he walked in a ruffled Mabel's hair.

"Morning Gruncle Stan!" She smiled as she poured a bowl of cereal for herself.

"Stan do you think you could give me a ride to Y/N's house?" She asked.

Raising an eyebrow Stan questioned her.

"What for?"

"Has to do with Dipper," I sighed resting my head on the palm of my hand.

"I would but sorry honey me and Ford are heading into the ocean soon before all the docks are filled."
He said and sipped his coffee.

"Hmm it's fine, maybe Wendy could!" Mabel exclaimed slightly before running into the shack and right on cue Wendy was sitting at the counter reading a magazine.

"Wendy!" Mabel smiled at the redhead.

Looking over the magazine Wendy grinned and stood.

"Hey Mabel, whats up?" she asked.

"Do you think you could give me a ride to Y/N's house?" Mabel asked holding her hands together.

Thinking for a moment Wendy stand and shows the keys to Mabel.

"Lets head out then," she smiled.



You were currently sitting on the couch playing videogames on your laptop before hearing a knock on her door.

"Ughh the door is...too... far.." you whined reaching for the door from where you sat before standing and walking to open the door.

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