Chapter 22

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Shadow's POV

I watched in shock as the horrifying demon named Kieran attacked our enemies. Franz and Svetlana fought back, but Nightshade did nothing. It was odd. Kieran was getting major blows to all three of them. The entire agency and I witnessed in complete silence and horror. Thorn suddenly winced, and I remembered that he had got injured. Quickly, I manipulated my powers to heal him. He sighs, and stands.

"We have to stop Kieran!! He'll soon overheat and die in a huge fireball!!" He screams.

We didn't have much to object to, since we all noticed smoke billowing from Kieran's head, creating a small flame.

"Can't you put him out?!" Aubrey shouted.

"I'm dehydrated!! I can't use my powers in here!! It's too warm!!" Thorn stumbled as the heat got to him.

Fantasy swiftly grabs Thorn and carries him to where the imprisoned agents are. Leaning against the wall, he holds the younger agent and puts a water bottle in his mouth. Thorn started gulping down the liquid, his other hand gripping to Fantasy. I turn back to the others, then glance up at Kieran. The fire was bigger now, and Kieran seemed too busy to notice. I jumped up high, turning on my boots as I landed on the wall. I ran across it, my boots keeping me from falling. I sprinted to Kieran and leaped on him. He growled and tried shaking me off.

"What the hell are you doing, Shadow?! I HAVE to kill them!!!" He shrieked.

"I don't want you to die!! You're gonna overheat!!" I yelled back at him.

Kieran didn't listen. Being way more powerful than myself, he snatched my jumpsuit and pulled. He grabbed me by the shoulders and slashed his long claws across my chest. I screamed in pain, the sharp pain paralyzing my entire body. His eyes showed no mercy as he prepared to strike me again.

"LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE!!!!" A female voice rang in my ears.

Aubrey. I look at the ground to find her, eventually spotting her. Kieran's eyes dart to her as well. Aubrey looked just as angry as him, maybe even more.


Aubrey's eye color suddenly turned to a deep purple, her wings doing the same. She transformed, it seemed. A long black dress decorated with amethysts appeared on her, a crown appearing on her head. The headpiece was also lined with the gem. Her agency boots didn't change much, except for the color of the lights, which were the corresponding color. She looked like an evil goddess.

Yet again, everyone was in a taken aback. Aubrey raised her arms up high in the air, her hands in a claw shape. The ground started to grumble, and Ten rose suddenly, along with a few very much dead corpses. Kieran's eyes widened as he spotted Ten.

"T-Ten?" His voice was no longer monotone.

Zombie Ten stared at him. Kieran's irises filled with tears. He let go of me, dropping me flat onto my back. I groan, laying there. Kieran touches Ten's hair, sobbing. Aubrey tackles the demon boy, pinning him to the ground.

"NOW CALM DOWN!!!!" She scolded him.

The few "dead" people attacked our enemies, being surprisingly strong. Kieran cried, turning back to normal. Ten fell onto the floor, dead once again. I was dazed, and Aubrey ran to me and healed me. How she did it, I'm not sure. But the more important question is, why does Aubrey have two powers?! I can't even really think straight, so instead I approach Kieran and comfort him. He sobs in my chest, blubbering apologies and shaking violently.

Aubrey raises more of the dead, commanding them to attack our enemies. With them and my friends fighting, our nemesis trio seemed overwhelmed. Thorn was hydrated enough to create a huge tidal wave, drenching and making it choke our enemies. They struggled, and all of them suddenly tore their vocal cords, shrieking as a huge light blinded everyone. I covered my and Kieran's eyes.

When everything had settled, we found that Franz and Svetlana were gone. Nightshade laid on his side, coughing up water harshly. Magic marched to him and was about to finish him, but Thorn yelled for him to stop. Magic grumbles and moves out of the way as Thorn walks to the lone enemy. Nightshade looks up at him.

"Are you actually evil?" Was the first thing Thorn spoke.

The question had baffled everyone, and it was quiet. Nightshade sighed and shook his head.

"N...Not exactly. I was forced to do it because Franz said he'd kill me if I refused. My mind had been corrupted, but seeing someone heartbroken shattered the curse that polluted me. I'm so sorry," Nightshade suddenly passed out.

We all gasped, and Fantasy ran to his side. He checked his pulse.

"He's alive. He'll awaken in a few hours at the least. Let's just get out of here," the older young man picked up Nightshade.

Quickly, we found the room where the agents' powers were being held. Aubrey turned back to normal, confused yet happy. I'd have to ask her about it later. We returned the powers to our fellow colleagues. They broke out of the cages. Kieran looked down at the corpse of his lover.

"What should we do with him?" He sniffed.

"Take him with you. We'll see if Nightshade can do anything about it," Kanita responded.

Kieran picked up the lifeless body, and caressed his cheek as tears spilled down his face. We all prepared to depart. My friends and I led the way, into the sky. A beautiful sunset descended slowly, and we all watched it as night started to settle. Soon, we made it back to headquarters. But strangely, Tabitha, our boss, was not there. We searched for her, calling her name.

A big explosion on the second floor shook the agency. We hurried up there to find Tabitha at the top of a building, grinning widely.

"Ta-Tabitha?!" Marci's voice quivered.

We stood in shock. Tabitha's long red hair was curled, and her light brown eyes sparkled with an emotion I couldn't read.

"You fools!! Dummies, I have been the enemy ALL along!!! Nightshade and the others 'enemies' were trying to stop me!! They gave some of you hallucinations because they wanted you to overcome your fears so you could stop me!!" Tabitha cackled evilly.

"How could you?!" Thorn yelled at her accusingly once he recovered from his daze.

"It's just what I do!! Aubrey!! Join me!!" The boss pointed to Aubrey.

My love's eyes widened. "W-Why?!"

"You can bring back the dead!! With both of us on the same team, we'll be unstoppable!! You can get anything in your dreams!! I'll promise you that!!"

"...Can my friends stay alive with me?"

"Of course! They'll be helpful in enslaving the world as well. What do you say?" Tabitha held out her hand.

The wind ruffled through everyone's hair. Aubrey stares at Tabitha, pondering her alliance plan with the true enemy. Aubrey straightens her back, and opens her mouth. The room is deadly silent.

"I choose..."

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