Chapter 20

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Magic's POV

No...please...don't go...

I just stood there, dumbfounded, as Aubrey held the gun to her head. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak. All I could do was watch her with tears running down my face. She had no expression on her face, she just stared back at me as she pulled the trigger. Blood exploded from her head, and she fell to the ground, lifeless. The color drained from her body like the thick red liquid, and she was gone. I sobbed loudly, crying out for help. I still can't move, and my muscles ache. Every time I blink, my eyes hurt.

Why would Aubrey do this to herself? I love her so much, and she should be aware that I'm not the only person that cares about her. There's her sister, Shadow, Ten...

I collapse, and fall onto my back. I stare at the white nothingness. I can't even tell if there's a ceiling. I can feel my heart slowly breaking, slowly into pieces. I close my eyes, and feel myself drifting away.


My eyes snap open. Emma is shaking my shoulders, trying to awaken me. I stare at her.

"Emma? Where's Aubrey? Is she...alive?"

Emma nods and urges someone to come closer. I can see Aubrey's face, her tattered jumpsuit and all. She's okay. Thank god. I sigh, and soon notice that my vision is blurry. My head hurts, and I feel dizzy. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to breathe steadily.

I feel someone hoist me into their arms, and I open my irises. Fantasy. I had only heard about him a couple times from my superiors. He's one of the best agents with telekinesis powers, or so I've heard. I bury my face in his chest and inhale. I exhale slowly and relax into his arms.

I close my eyes, and fall asleep in Fantasy's arms.

Thorn's POV

Where am I? What...I recognize this place...

As I take in my surroundings, I recall the memories I had here. I'm in a log cabin in the middle of a dense woods, the trees lightly swaying in rhythm along with the wind. This was my childhood home. I spend my life here, before I went to the agency. I remember the times where my older brother Chalice and I went down to the river. We watched in awe as the bears swiftly caught salmon in their mouths. I found it fascinating. It's also the place where I found out I had powers.

I was only about six years old. My brother and I were at our usual spot by the riverside. The bears caught their fish like normal. I really want to touch a bear, but Chalice told me it was dangerous. I thought about just touching the soft fur of the animal. Suddenly, the water beneath the bear's head splashed onto it, creating a barrier of water. The water lifted the bear off the ground and to me. Chalice and I immediately ran away, terrified.

After that, I manipulated the water and made crazy things happen. I would make the river create a huge tidal wave. I would make the water from the sink magically disappear. So many pranks I pulled on my parents and brother. Chalice loved it. It wasn't much after that I was being tossed to the boss of the agency. I screamed and cried, struggling in her arms and Chalice did the same. He was only twelve then. He squealed thrashing my dad's arms as he was dragged away. I remember sobbing so much, clutching the only thing I had left of my brother. A gold locket with a picture of little me on one side, and with tween Chalice on the other.

I still wore that locket around my neck. I sighed and sat down on the floor. All of the furniture was gone in the place. I heard footsteps come from the kitchen. I wandered to it. A man with black hair and equally dark eyes stood at the sink, washing dishes. He was maybe in his early twenties, 22 at the most. He craned his neck towards me. He just stared. Chalice.

"Chalice? Is that you?" I stare back at him.

He grabs a knife that he was washing and charges at me. I scream and dodge, he growling and trying to attack me. I struggle to move out of the way. My powers don't work. I try and try to control the water, but to no avail.

"You had to leave me all alone!!!" He snapped at me.

That comment had caught me off guard, giving my brother the chance to strike. He stabbed his kitchen knife into my stomach several times before I fall over on my back. I cough up blood and watch as my own sibling looms over my face. He puts the knife to my neck. I have no strength left. The blood is pouring too fast, I can't catch my breath. I let tears fall from my eyes. This is it. My fear. Getting killed by my older brother.

"Ch-Chalice...please...I...I..." I sniff.

"Just say your last words, punk," Chalice scowls.

"I...I love you. I didn't mean to leave you, I was forced to. Please don't hate me. You can hurt me if you want, kill me. But I'll always love you the same, brother," I let the tears flow.

Chalice's eyes widen. He stares down at me in disbelief. I cough up more blood which makes him panic.

"Shit!! What am I doing?!" He quickly removes the knife from my neck.

I groan in pain. Chalice swiftly patches up the wounds he had inflicted upon me. He held me in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Thorn. I'm sorry," Chalice sniffled.

"Don't cry," I bury my face in his chest.

He sighs. "You still got that locket?"

"Yes..." I snuggle closer, inhaling his scent. Lavender.

"Both of us are in a hallucination, Thorn. Your enemies did this," He holds me.

"When I wake up, where will you be? I want to find you..."

"I'll be back at this cabin. When you save the agents, can you come back for me?"

"Of course," I nod.

He smiles. And I'm pulled away from the hallucination.

I awaken, and right on time, too. My friends are just untying me. They gasp in surprise.

"You woke up by yourself? No one else has done that least not any of us," Ten tapped his chin.

"Is everyone here?" I rub my wrists, which have rope burn on them.

I do a head count. Everyone is here.

"There's another door that we can't open. I think it's probably unlocked since everyone is awake now," Kieran folds his arms.

We make our way to the lone steel door. I grab the handle of it and turn it. It opens, and we step inside. I see several cages hanging from the ceiling, and a couple huge cells filled with people packed inside. I recognize the agents, one by one. They all stare at us, mixed emotions on their faces. Fear, hope, sorrow.

I snap to attention as Nightshade notices us coming in. He growls at us. The other two enemies snicker. Nightshade glares at us.

"You survived the hallucinations?!?! Well, you won't live through this."

And that's when I was slammed against the wall by a huge fireball.

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