Chapter 3

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Emma's POV

"Everyone is gone," Aubrey repeated herself.

Shadow puts his arm around her shoulders and nods. For the first time, Ten looks shocked and worried. His mouth is slightly open. I walk to him and grab his hand. He looks at me, and squeezes my hand. He gulps, and looks forward at the empty streets of Floor 2. Kieran and Joy are hugging each other, looking at Floor 2 nervously. Then Aubrey steps into the streets. We all follow her silently, looking for any sign of life. But no one is there. We walk into the Waffle House, but not even the robots are turned on. We wander the streets more, holding each other's hands tightly. We start to hear footsteps, and we literally run towards them. The source of these footsteps was none other than Tabitha Jonker, the boss of the YSA. We all approach her, and her eyes widen.

"You six! How did you survive?!" She asks, shocked.

"Survive? Survive what?" I ask.

"Well, everyone in the agency was awake, besides myself. I was sleeping. When I woke up, everyone was gone! I then got a distress call from Agent Thorn. He and all of the other agents, including trainees, have been captured by our enemies!"

"What?!" Ten exclaimed.

"We all fell asleep right after training," Aubrey says as she glances at me, Ten, and Kieran.

"I did, too," Shadow remarks.

"As did I," Joy nods.

"Well, everyone else is captured! And you six are trainees? When were you supposed to be licensed agents?" Tabitha asks us.

"A week," Kieran replies.

"Well, since the last week of training  is mostly just testing, I will license you all now. You must save the other agents before our enemies kill them," Tabitha nods.

All of our eyes widen.

"How are we supposed to save 257 agents and trainees?!" Aubrey asks, slightly pressured.

"Remember your training, and use your powers wisely," Tabitha says.

We all nervously nod.

"Now, come with me. We must get you licensed and get you weapons and such," Tabitha turns around and starts to walk towards an elevator.

We follow her. After getting in the elevator, Tabitha presses the button to go to Floor 4. We go up two more floors before exiting. Tabitha leads us to a room full of computer monitors, a couple chairs, and cameras in front of them. Tabitha walks in and logs into a computer. Then she turns around on the swivel chair to look at us.

"One of you sit on the chair, and I'll take your picture," Tabitha says.

Aubrey and I go first. I sit on one chair, she sits on the other. Tabitha takes both of our pictures and gets the information on the licenses. Then she hands them to us. She then proceeds with the other four people. Once that's done, she walks to the far side of the room, which has a bunch of weapons and tools. Tabitha grabs a multitude of stuff and hands them to us. Black jumpsuits that are way darker than ours. Grappling hooks, guns, swords, even ninja stars. After getting everything situated, Tabitha turned towards us.

"Now, I know you were just trainees, but I've been watching you. You all have great skills, much better than any of those trainees. I was even going to ask if you could be licensed without being tested," Tabitha smiled.

I blinked. "Really?"

She nods. We all stand there in utter awe and shock. I didn't think I was that good. But then again, the stuff the instructor makes us do is easy, but it takes a lot of strength to do, I thought.

"Anyway, I will send you on your way. I have put our enemies' location in your cell phones. Good luck, and please bring back my agents. I don't want them to be killed," Tabitha sighs at the thought of her agents getting hurt.

"We won't let you down!" Joy exclaims determinedly.

"Good. Now, go to the launching pads. Your instructor should've shown you where they are," Tabitha waves goodbye.

We all look at each other and nod. We make our way to the launching pads. I gulp nervously, and Aubrey grabs my hand. She squeezes it to assure me that we will be fine, but I know she's just as nervous as me, as are the other four friends coming with us on this trip. We get onto the launching pad, and glass closes around us, sealing us in. I look up, and we ascend out of headquarters.

Shadow's POV

I look to the right and left of me as we ascend in the launching pad. Everyone looks nervous, even that psychopath Tenebris looks uneasy. I feel my ears pop, and I wince in pain. I yawn, trying to stop the throbbing in my ears. It takes several times, but eventually the growing pain diminishes. We are now standing on top of headquarters, the glass dome of the launching pad still around us. I look around me, and see and endless sea of clouds, all of them turning a brilliant pink as the sun rises higher. The clouds are puffy, and they start to turn white. The shining sun is behind us, and I feel its warmth, even through the glass. The glass disappears, and all I can feel is the sun warming my back and the wind blowing through my hair. I lift my arm and run my hand through my hair to fix it. Aubrey looks at the rest of us.

"Watch it. I'm about to spread my wings," She says.

We all take a tiny step back, and she spreads her magnificent blue wings. I use my powers to lift myself in the air, and Aubrey rises to meet me. Her wings flap through the air. I then see Kieran start to grow horns. His eyes turn red and he grows fangs as well. A pair of bat like wings appear on his back, and his fingernails turn to sharp claws. His tongue also splits in half at the end, like a snake's tongue. He rises in the air with his wings. I glance at Aubrey. She has a slightly scared expression on her face as she stares at Kieran, but she immediately hides it. As I ponder why she looked scared, Joy used her fire powers to create lava boots. These boots were similar to rocket boots. Joy rose to meet us. Emma turned into a eagle and flew up to us. All that was left was Ten, who had the ability to freeze time. I knew that with his power, he wouldn't be able to fly with us. He looks up at us.

"Uh...a little help here?"

Aubrey glances at me, as if she wants me to help him. I shake my head. I don't want to help that damn psychopath. Aubrey then narrows her eyes and glares at me, making me nervously gulp. I then groan in annoyance, but I use my powers to get Ten up to meet us. He looks at me, and then does something I never would have thought a crazy person like him would have done. He hugs me. My eyes widen, and my face heats up slightly.

"Thanks, Shadow," Ten smiles at me.

" problem," I stutter.

Ten smirks. "You got something on your face."

"Shut up," I stop blushing.

"There's no time for dilly dallying! We got agents to save!" Emma the eagle exclaims.

Kieran nods. "She's right. We can't waste any time."

I nod, as do the rest of us. I kiss Aubrey again, and she blushes and grins. I smile, and hug her. I look ahead of us, and then around at my friends. I hoped we would come back alive. I really hoped we would. If something happened to my friends, I would kill the person who did it to them. I care about all of them, even the crazy Hungarian named Tenebris Farkas. I look ahead of us again, and we ready ourselves.

"!" Kieran exclaims.

And so, we fly off, on our way to save the captured agents of the YSA.

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