Chapter 15

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Licorice's POV

I was just sitting around at a football game for my school. I was cheering on and on for our school team, so much so that I didn't notice the mascot coming up to my aisle. It was a lion, and I glanced once to the right and saw him. My heart thumped, my eyes widened. Just go away, creepy, I gulped. The mascot puts his humongous arm around my shoulders, and I tensed.

"Hey buddy! Enjoying the game?" The lion mascot asked in a really goofy voice.

I muttered. "Yes. Now, could you please go away?"

"Hmm...why would I do that?" The mascot's voice turned sinister.

I got up and ran. The lion mascot growled.

"Get back here!!" He yelled.

I tried to scream out for help, but the deafening roar from the audience overpowered them. The lion mascot chased after me, and I kept trying to scream. I tripped, falling down the bleachers.

I reached the bottom of the stands, but the mascot was already pinning me. I closed my eyes and started to sob. This was the end.

Suddenly, a voice pierced itself into my ears.

"Leave him alone!!!!"

I gasped, recognizing that the voice belonged to Kieran. The lion was thrown off me. Kieran was in his demon form, standing in front of me. He lunged at the mascot, ripping it to shreds. As he ran to me, my vision started to fade, and I passed out.

Kieran's POV

"God damn, he won't wake up!!!" I shook Licorice.

Ten and I had untied Licorice, and we now had him laid down on the floor. Licorice was screaming, crying, breathing heavily. Ten had tried everything he could to wake him up, so now it was my turn.

I slapped Licorice across the face. "LICORICE!"

Suddenly, he gasped, and his eyes flew open. He looked around the room, shocked and confused, and then his eyes laid on me. He teared up.

"K-Kieraaaan..." Licorice whined and buried his face in my chest.

"Licorice..." I held him close.

He sobbed quietly in my chest, gripping to me. He was so tired, that he fell asleep in my arms. I lifted him up, carrying him. His head lolled, and it rested on my chest. I stroke his hair, and he sighs in relief. He snores softly. I glance at Ten.

"What door do you want to go through next?" I asked.

"Hmm...this one," Ten walked out of the room and to the door at the very end.

I carried Licorice there. Ten stood on his tip toes, and peered into the room.

"Looks like its Candy..." Ten's eyes widened.

"C-Candy? My sissy?!" Licorice snapped awake.

I stroke his hair. "Calm down. We'll save her. What was your hallucination?"

Licorice shivered and told us everything. He's afraid of mascots, huh? That's reasonable.

Ten broke down the door. High pitched screams emitted from the tied up little girl. Candy squealed out in pure fear.


Ten untied her. Licorice climbed out of my arms and tried to wake her up.

"Candy! Wake up!!" He yelled at her as he held her.

Licorice tried everything he could, but failed. Ten's turn. He ran to Candy's side and shook her.

"Candy Cotton Candy! Wake up!!!!" He screeched at her.

Candy's POV

Oh my gosh...this is too creepy. I shake violently in fear as I look at my surroundings. Mannequins. EVERYWHERE. I hate them. They're weird and creepy, animatronics are even worse. They shouldn't move, they don't need to move!!! They shouldn't even exist.

Suddenly, the mannequins move. Lifeless, emotionless faces scrunch up into a scary grin. Their limbs move, their eyes dart to me. I screech and run away.

I don't even have to look behind me, I can hear those things chasing me. Crap!!!

I scream and cry. "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!! YOU'RE CREEPY!!!"

Suddenly, my little legs give out, and the mannequins swarm to me. One of them, with a creepy plastered grin, waltz to me. I tried to crawl away, but the mannequin grabbed me. I screamed and squirmed, but the thing had an iron grip. I close my eyes. This is the end.

I hear a voice pierce through.

"You leave Candy alone!!!"

Ten!!! I scream out for him. He comes to my rescue, snatching me from the mannequin's clutches and snapping its head off its neck. The head falls to the ground, and it and the body disappear. The other creatures are oddly gone. I sniffle and bury my face in Ten's chest. He strokes my hair, holding me closely and protectively.

My eyes snap open and I gasp as I awaken. Ten has me in his arms, shaking me. Licorice and Kieran stand, looking worried. All of us are in that weird room I was put in. Although I'm not tied up anymore, the chair lays kicked to the ground with the ropes dangling off it.

Ten stops shaking me as he notices that I'm awake. Kieran and my brother run to my side. Tears burn my eyes as I remember the monstrosities of that hallucination dream thing I was having. I start to sob and I bury my face in Ten's chest, just like in the dream, but it was now a reality. I cry in his chest, and he holds me.

"Oh Candy, are you okay sweetie?" He asks as he strokes my hair.

"That was scary! I dreamed about mannequins, and they were trying to kill me, and..and..." I heave.

"Calm down, sweetie. I got you. They aren't going to hurt you now," Ten assured me.

I hold onto Ten, still crying softly. He holds me close.

I finally calm and I lift my head so I can look at Ten's face.

"Are you okay, sissy?" My brother picks me up.

"I'm fine, I guess..." I bury my face in his chest and breathe.

His heartbeat is slow and calming, and I sigh. Closing my eyes, I start to drift into slumber. Licorice cradles me, cooing a lullaby into my ear as I fall asleep.

I let myself become one with the silent calmness of sleep.

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