Chapter 6

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Ten's POV
The Candys' house was very nice. It was covered in baby blue siding, and brownish red bricks were aligned along the bottom of the house. It was a two story house, a big window was visible in front of the second floor. The lights were off, not a sound came from the house. As we approached the house, I got extremely tired. But I closed my eyes, enjoying the tiredness in my eyes go away slightly. I open my eyes again, and press on until we get to the house. We climb the wooden stairs of the house, they creak under our feet. Lollipop takes out a key and opens the front door. I carry the sleeping Lithuanian into the house. He snores softly, gripping onto me tightly. He sneezes, emitting a cute little cat noise as he does so. I smile, but immediately cover it up when Shadow looks at me weirdly. I set Kieran on the couch, and lay down next to him. I'm basically spooning him, and a blush starts to creep onto my cheeks. I turn over, so that my back is pressed against his. He whimpers, and turns over to wrap his arms around me. My face heats up. Kieran snuggles into me, and I turn over so that we are both facing each other. Kieran's peaceful face is beautiful, and I stroke it.

"Mm..." He buries his face in my chest.

I blush. Do I have a crush on him? I believe I do, I always want to be around him. I just want to cuddle in his warmth and never leave. I love him. I really do. But...does he love me back? I'm not sure. I guess I'll keep it a secret, and tell him when the time is right. For now, I'll just cherish and enjoy Kieran close to me. I put my arms around him, and shut my eyes. I drown in my sleep, cuddled up next to Kieran.

Licorice's POV
Weird. That Ten guy and Kieran are cuddling while sleeping. Shadow has told me that Ten is a complete psychopath, but he hasn't exactly shown any signs of insaneness. Shadow just stares at the two sleeping boys, his eyes narrowed.

"Do you think Ten likes Kieran?" He asks, glancing at me.

"In what way?" I ask what he meant by that.

"You know, that way."

"Boyfriend kind of way?"


"What makes you think Ten thinks that way?"

Shadow puts his chin in his hands, and closes his eyes.

"From what I've seen, Ten really likes being around Kieran. Like, way much than a normal friend would."



I catch a glimpse of the two boys again. Ten is cuddling Kieran as close as possible, and Kieran is just lapping it up. Ten is smiling in his sleep.

"He never smiles like that in his sleep. He usually has a psychopathic smile on his face, you know?" Shadow seems weirded out by Ten smiling like a normal human.

"What's wrong with him smiling normally?" I narrow my eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with it, I'm just not used to it. I've always viewed Ten as a crazy person whose only motive is to kill or act psychotic towards others. I've never seen this nice side of him."

"You just aren't close friends with him. I've seen his nice side many times," Aubrey remarks. She is sitting in an armchair near the couch.

"You have?"

Aubrey nods.

"I guess I haven't seen this side of him, then." He stares at the two boys.

Shadow sighs deeply. "Is he not comfortable with me? I've been as nice as I could..." he trails off.

"I don't think he is." Emma says.

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