Well...alright. Here, I'll tell the teacher I'm feeling sick and I'll leave class. Where do you wanna meet?


Which hall are you in?




OK...then let's meet by that big tree right in between the 300 and 400 halls


KK...I'll be there :)


You're the BESTTTTTT <3


I know I am ;)


"So, what's the problem...rebel Yoonhee?" teased Sooyoung and I hit her in the arm. We had already snuck off campus and as of now we were strolling around the streets.

"It's a long story, so be attentive," I stated, and began to tell her everything. Starting with the meetings with Jungkook to the break up with Tae to now being with Jungkook. I know I can always tell Sooyoung anything because we've been best friends since elementary school.


"Dang...I always thought Taehyung was a goodie-two-shoes, but I've been proved wrong," she said, still shocked about my whole story. "And Jeon Jungkook and Min Yoonhee!? I would've never thought the school's smartest girl would be dating the school's troublemaker. It's like...the North and South Poles!"

"Yeah, but that's also why Ying and Yang ship," I smirked. 

"Well not just that, but what will Yoongi's reaction be? He barely approved of Tae who's like...or used to be...the most innocent and sweet guy. If he hears about you and Jeon Jungkook, which will probably happen soon because that'll probably be all the school talks about...well...you're both dead meat!" she panicked. 

"I know! And that's one of my problems! What if Yoongi..." I lowered my voice and continued. "What if Yoongi...changes again?"

And this is why I say that Yoongi has something similar to multiple personality disorder. Now I know I've said it towards the beginning, but he's literally a different person when he's angered. Take note of that.


"Ughhhh I think we ate too much," cried Sooyoung. "I had finally managed to lose weight and now all that work went to trashhhh."

I sighed.

"Sooyoung we didn't eat that much...all we had was some Yukgaejang (spicy shredded beef stew)," I replied, trying to cheer her up. She's sensitive with these things...like...she's already skinny and she always stresses herself out with weight loss!

"Speak for yourself! You and Yoongi can eat like six bags of chips, two boxes of pizza, and like twenty bowls of rice yet you're the skinniest kids I've known!" she sniffled.

"Sooyoung please don't start again. You're on the merge of being underweight! That's not healthy!" I added, and it seemed to lighten her mood just a bit. 

"Yeah but...guys only like skinny girls..." she mumbled, but I heard it very clearly. 

"Park Sooyoung you're really insane with these kinds of things," I remarked which made her chuckle. 

"Ahh, sorry...I just had a little moment of sober," she bubbled. Now that's the Sooyoung I know. And next thing I know, she begins to do random aegyo. 

How can anyone not love this girl.


I had such a good time with Sooyoung today, and it was much needed catch up time, too. 

We took about and hour just to talk about my situation. And with the help of Miss Cupid, I was finally able to make the right conclusion. 

"Well, I gotta go home or else eomma will find out that I skipped school," said Sooyoung, as we were again just walking around the neighborhood streets. 

"Ah, yeah, me too," I replied. "Well...thanks again for everything today."

I smiled and she gave me a hug. 

"Anything for my baby Yoonhee!" she chuckled as she broke the hug and pinched my cheeks. I'm only a few months younger but she treats me like there's a ten year age gap sometimes. 

"Aish Sooyoung!" I laughed as she was running away, knowing I would probably punch her shoulder for her actions. When she was already a safe distance away, she turned around and waved as I did too, mouthing "bye!" to each other. 


I reached home and I saw my mom sitting on the dining table, which her forehead resting in her palm as she scanned through the bills.

"Hi eomma," I drawled as I quietly entered the house. She turned around and tried her best to smile while greeting me back, but I know my mom better than anyone and I knew something was up. I placed my backpack near my shoes as I went and took a seat beside her. "I know something's off...eomma. What's wrong?"

She deeply sighed and replied.

"Ever since your Appa passed away, money was starting to become more difficult. Up until now, we were living off his savings...but now that the prices have gone up and my job hasn't increased the pay...we're kind of in a, difficult situation," she began sobbing and I gave her a hug. How could I have not noticed that eomma was having trouble paying the bills!?

"Shh, shh eomma. Don't cry, please. I'll get a job so that we'll be able-"

"A job!?" she coughed. "You can't sweetie! You have school! Your grades might go down, then you might not get into college!"

"It's okay eomma! I'd rather balance school and work instead of seeing you cry over the bills," I addressed as I handed her a tissue to wipe her tears with. "I'm willing to do it if it'll help."

I left her alone as I scurried up the stairs and into my room. I'd better get started searching for a job.

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