Check up

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1 year later.

Sam's POV

My life has definitely changed in ways I never thought it would.
I never even thought I would become a babysitter let alone get pregnant by the father of that family. Like really? So cliche.

Anyways, unfortunately Chris has passed away. Blake is in jail with a sentence of 20-35 years with no parole.

I have a son, 3 months, named Ford. He's honestly adorable. Raising him without a father is going to suck but hey, shit happens.

I moved out of that house with my friends. I have my own apartment now and I'm about to start the legit single mother journey.

I don't know what the hell Mellissa is doing with life and i don't care. I'll never like that bitch. It's sad that Blake is in jail and that she lost Chris but hey, if I can't have him, looks like no one can 😈

---------THE END----------

AN: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING. IM SORRY IT ENDED SO ABRUPTLY. (there are reasons. Feel free to message me if you actually care why I ended it so early) BUT YEA THANK YOU EITHER WAY DONT FORGET TO VOTE COMMENT AND SHARE THIS STORY. IT MEANS A LOT TO ME BEING A CREATIVE WRITING MAJOR AND ALL. THANKS LOVELIES! ILL HAVE ANOTHER BOOK COMING SOON SO STAY TUNED. (If you guys have annnyyy types of books you want me to write, let me know!!!! I'm open to whatever. Literally!) SEE YALL SOON!!!----

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