Chapter Seven-"Yes,I'm Desperate But I Will Not Settle For A Stalker"

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Self Diagnosis: Desperate With Standards

Well, so far I've had a pretty eventful afternoon. I now have layers in my long once black hair. Yep Mr Rosseau dyed it dark brown but thats not the only thing he gave me. I hope you guessed it. A splitting headache. I swear he should win an award for the world's biggest drama queen. It's like he would never stop whining.

"I'm, so glad we made it out of there alive" I say as I glanced over at Casey who shared the same relieved expression as me. " Yeah I'm sorry about that, when I went there a polite man helped me so I sort of assumed it was Sir Rosseau, I now realise he was an employee."
"It's okay I know something that will cheer the both of us up." FOOD COURT!!!!!

Once we arrived we both sat down at a table. I couldn't help get the feeling someone was watching us and Ladies should never doubt their intuition. I started to grow more uncomfortable. "Claire," Casey whispered "You know who is here". I abruptly turned around and was met with Chase Matthews glare. "That guy really doesn't no when to quit does he, do you reckon he following us" I addressed Casey. " Probably , why else would he be in a prime location for girls, look around there's like one male store here, maybe he finds the whole aggressive girl thing attractive and you really gave him a good telling off." She responded. "Okay I'm gonna go over there and let him down politely, you know it kind of feels good not to be on the receiving end this time."

I pulled my chair back and started to approach him confidently, I mean if this guy liked me I have no reason to be nervous. "Hi Chase," He looked at me amusement present in his eyes "Oh hey desperate, you here to proclaim your unconditional love for me. Anger was slowing starting to fuel my response. "Excuse me!" I snapped
"First of all we are not an a nickname basis cause you are not my friend. Secondly could you quit following me cause yes I'm desperate but I will not settle for a stalker. He burst out in to uncontrollable laughter.

"You...think...I'm...a stalker" he said through shorts gasps of breath "You really are something else, desperate. But really, you shouldn't flatter yourself so much, I'm with someone" Embarrassment slowly crept in causing my cheeks to turn a dark shade of red "Oh okay then, sorry for accusing you I guess, bye"
I turned around to walk away but i was caused to stop in my tracks when a high pitch honey glazed voice beckoned me.

"Claire? Is that can't get an man Claire trying to get my man. Oh no I thought to myself. I'd recognise that voice anywhere. That voice is sole reason I have my 'no friends that are girls rule' That voice belongs to the person that ditched me to become popular, betrayed me an tormented me throughout highschool. "Amber Wesely.
She looked at me blankly, fluttering her fake eyelashes profusely. " Ew Claire seriously your presence is irritating me, you can't get someone like Chase ever so don't bother trying because he would never want you." I averted my gaze from her to Chase and for a split second I could have sworn i saw empathy in his eyes but it was quickly replaced when he proceeded to smirk.

"For the record Amber, I don't like Chase I mean who would. Just looking at him is enough to turn me off my dinner for a month but then again that makes it more perfect for you two to be together, good luck with that by the way. I turned to Chase who eyes were bulging out of his sockets.

" I didn't expect you to be so kind Chase, sharing Amber with someone else. You must be extremely proud to be boyfriend number two. Her side bae."

I then proceeded to turn on my heel. Oh no what have I done! I thought to myself, as I began to walk back to an oblivious Casey, Be prepared to face hell in school tomorrow, nice one Claire. Arghhhhhh!!!!

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