Chapter Three - "OUCH!!! My Feet Hurt Like Hell "

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Self Diagnosis: Ready To Take On The World!!
I am determined to "Stand Out."
After tedious hours of research last night it's time to put my superb plan to action. I discovered boys are naturally more drawn to a girl who appears different to others. Again thank you google. So I looked for the deeper meaning and what I gathered from the message was I needed to acquire a bolder fashion sense and I needed to accumulate it FAST.

So now, here I am it's currently 5.00am and school doesn't start until 8:30 but believe me when I say I need all the time I can get. I'm about to make one of the most dramatic fashion statements in my life.

I've decided to scoop my jet black hair into a slick high ponytail and applied bright purple lipstick. I don't really know alot about looking presentable but once I set my mind on something I'm a 'go big or go home' kind of girl. So after a whole hour of contemplating i decided to pair my look with a bright neon yellow leather jacket, black ripped jeans and yellow studded high heels. I already know what you're thinking, her fashion sense is amazing.

Before clumsily descending downstairs I dabbed some of that shimmery stuff on my eyelids. Ouch!! I glared down at the glittery objects on my feet and wondered how could something that looks so beautiful make you experience such an excruciating pain. Looks can be very deceptive.

As I wobbled into the kitchen i was met by the mortified looks of my parents before my father spluttered out his orange juice.
"Um...Hello sweetie you look nice."My mum greeted, her voice sickly sweet.If I didn't know any better I would say she was mocking me. The humour was not only evident in her tone but in her eyes. "Hi mum, hi dad well I'll be off to school now bye" I replied before proceeding to grab the muesli bar that was resting alongside my schoolbag.

As I stumbled to my car i was slowly starting to regret my choice of footwear. But like the old saying goes 'beauty is pain' and if beauty's going to get me out of the Friendzone then it's worth the suffering.

"Get ready Sterling High School Claire Parker is ready to march through those hallways and command attention, not literally march though because OUCH!!! my feet hurt like hell"

Friendzone FeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora