Chapter Five - "Im On Bae Watch"

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Self Diagnosis: Boy Crazy

I'm currently situated at my locker whilst Casey tries to fix my face alongside the mess I once was proud of. "Jheeez, your makeup looks like something a four year old would approve of." She snorts. I mockingly put my hand on my heart. "Ouch, I felt that one" She smirked at my response before proceeding to stick something very heavy on to each one of my eyelashes.

"Look I'm no miracle worker and honey in all due respect you're in serious need of a mircale, but I've tried my best and applied some falsies to your lashes. They will accentuate your eyes and distract everyone from that hideous shimmer you happened to think was attractive, Oh! And please be careful whilst blinking the eyelash glue hasn't dried yet"

"Thank you so much Casey, I actually don't know what I would do with out you" I replied, relieved I looked somewhat more presentable than I had done a few minutes ago" I looked up at Casey she was staring very intently at something. I slowly followed her gaze and she let out a low whisper "New Boy alert, that's Chase Matthews supposed bad boy of his old school." I studied his face he had very striking features. Dirty blonde hair, green eyes and a strong angular jawline. "I'll be the judge of that" I stated as I advanced towards him"Oh I wouldn't do that if I were you I hear he has an irascible temper." Casey chirped, reaching her hand out in a desperate plea to stop me.

Before she could even try, I began to walk forward, taking big long strides until I reached him. Old me would have been afraid to talk to someone as genetically blessed as him, but the new me is fearless: she's risk taker, a complete and utter wild child. Besides I have a good reason to approach him. I'm on bae watch. "Come on Claire be brave " I thought "Introduce yourself what's the worst that could happen??"

I cleared my throat readying myself to speak but I couldn't help gawk at the beautiful speciem stood before me. He leisurely lifted his head and glared down at me. Oh gosh he caught me staring, now I just look like a weirdo should I run. " Do you need something?" He snapped, I gulped trying to conceal my nerves. I swallowed them down before proceeding to put on a frail and girly voice "I heard you're new and i thought it would be nice to introduce myself, I'm Claire." I said sticking my hand out.
He stared at it blankly.

"Okay I'm now realising why you came over here. You're desperate." He said whilst amusement flashed in his eyes."Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble darling but I'm not that interested in weird girls that come to school dressed as the Joker." He smirked before placing a demeaning hand on my shoulder, which highlighted the massive height difference between us "That's it" I snapped fluttering my eyes in irritation and shifting my position so his heavy hand would drop ."I'M NOT DRESSED AS THE JOKER, JERK!!!"

Casey rushed to my side after witnessing the events and hearing all the commotion caused "Um..Claire the glue" Oh crap now my left eye is welled shut and that jerk is still in front of me."Serves you right for looking at me in the first place hasn't anyone every told you its rude to stare."He states before averting his attention to Casey "Hey babe, I'm Chase and you are?"

"And I'm leaving." she hurled, linking arms with me and taking off. "Come on let's take you to the nurse your eye looks pretty sore, so what do you think of Chase?" She questioned
I looked at her puzzled. "Well I think he's a jerk for disrespecting me! He's a jerk for openly flirting with you in front of my face after disrespecting me. To sum him up in three words: He's a JERK!!" She watched my facial expression intently before simply sighing.
- Never Try a Bold Look Again
- Before you try to flirt,do your
- Don't speak to Chase Matthews again
-And Most importantly find subject#2

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