Chapter Six - "It's Like I'm Prone To Mean People"

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Self Diagnosis: I'm A Nice People  Repellent
The nerve of that boy! I slammed my locker shut in irritation, with today's events still lingering on in my mind. To add to the personal humiliation, I had to walk around the rest of the day with an ice pack guled to my left eye. Outside Casey was standing bedside my BMW, waving. I tried to smile as realistically as possible but the thought of how horribly my plans went today was still fresh in my mind, and to tell you the truth it bothered me.

I guess there was one beneficial thing I learnt from attending school today that will attribute my plan.My appearance needs some professional assistance. Dont worry my friends, I have a solution. Casey and I's weekly girls afternoon trip.

As I stumbled towards the car Casey resolutely assisted me in before getting in herself. These stupid objects formally known as shoes made me very late to every single class. I sighed at the thought of how many times I twisted my ankles. Quickly I shook away the vivid memory and turned to Casey "So where to ?" I asked "Rosedale Mall of course" She responded. Every Monday afternoon we go to Rosedale mall, it's like the closet thing to paradise for us. Full of parlours, boutiques, shops and restaurants . Like I said before I'm not really into fashion so i normally tag along for the food court, which is surprising seeing as I've managed to maintain a small frame. Although my mum, begs to differ seeing after that Fibre Bar incident this morning.

However today, I will go to the mall for it's actually purpose. To buy stuff that doesn't involve food. Oh who am I kidding of course we're going to stop at the food court but first im going to get a makeover. I refuse to have anymore people commenting on terrible make up skills . (Cough cough) CHASE.

Whilst in the car i filled Casey in on my plan and how did she respond?

She laughed
(Yep I know what you're thinking we are so #friendshipgoals)

"You have what?" She stared at me blankly before she burst out into hysterics. I could of sworn I'd seen a tear roll down her cheek as clutched her stomach gasping for breath before doubling up with laughter"

"Friendzone Fever is a serious matter!" I responded defensively whilst she struggled to choke down her laughter "Okay okay..i believe you, but I still think you should be yourself surely the right guy will come along." "Yeah, yeah whatever you say" I responded vaguely brushing of her 'be yourself' comment. I mean come on look where that got me. Yep you guessed it THE FRIENDZONE.

We slowly pulled up to the malls parking lot, Casey gracefully stepped out of the car whilst I on the other hand struggled seeing as my ankles wouldn't cooperate and decided to jab a sharp ounce of pain through my feet every five seconds.

"Let's go to Sir Russell Rousseau's Boutique, He does fabulous hair cuts."Casey said before racing ahead of me into a quaint looking French beauty parlour.

As I staggered through the door i was greeted with a unrestrained blood curdling scream " Ahhhhhhhhhh" I abruptly turned around to see who was deliberately trying to deafen me.
A small petit man wearing a beret (who I presumed was the owner ) was darting towards me, Once he reached me he stood there glaring at me. His face slowly scrunched in digust. "EH! what is that, on your head " He said hovering his bony finger above my face. I stuttered nervously " hair". "You look like a drowned rat" He snapped. Oh no he didn't!!! I thought to myself, but before I had time to respond he forcefully gripped my arm " Come with me madame"

I looked back at Casey who was mirroring my shocked expression perfectly "Oops" She whispered

And as i turned back around I knew I was going to be here with Mr Rude! for a long time. Arghhhhhh!!!it's like I'm prone to mean people.

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