Part 15

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[Reader 1&2] had checked the blog every now and then to see, if maybe they had given up on gossiping about them. But unfortuneally this wasn't the case. Raelyn and Nadine continued to write a lot of lies on the blog.

[Reader 1&2] sometimes talked with Hanji, who kept them updated on Raelyn and Nadine's gossip. By now alot of rumours went around school and they weren't pretty.

After a few days [Reader 1&2] had enough of the rumours and so they confronted Raelyn and Nadine about it.

They told them that they heard about the rumours going around the school and also about their blog and gave them two days to fix the rumours and also to delete their blog.

But apparently that wasn't enough for Raelyn and Nadine. They continued their gossiping.

[Reader 1] had enough of that and dragged [Reader 2] with her.

"Hey," [Reader 1] yelled, "Stop right there!"

Raelyn and Nadine stopped in their tracks and turned around.

"We need to speak in private." [Reader 1] told them and marched off towards an empty classroom, Raelyn and Nadine on their steps. When they all got to the classroom [Reader 1] shut the door.

"So why did you need to talk to us in private?" Raelyn asked.

"Like you don't know. It's because you didn't stop your blog nor gossip even though we gave you two days to do so!" [Reader 1] answered.

"So what are you going to do about it huh? Cry in the corner or ask Sebastian and Levi to help you again?" Nadine asked with a sly smirk.

"It has gone on long enough, don't you think it's time to stop?" [Reader 2] cutted in.

"Like fixing some rumours going around school is easy, even if we were the ones to let it all go wild like a wildfire. And the blog, it ain't as easy to deleate it as you think" Raelyn protested.

"And if we do delete it, what are we going to get out of it?" Nadine asked. (Like the bi** she is)

[Reader 1] started grinning evilly-

-and said: "The best case senario is that we won't send a letter to the police about your blog about bullying and spreading false information

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-and said: "The best case senario is that we won't send a letter to the police about your blog about bullying and spreading false information."

"And what proof would you have if we deleted it?" Raelyn asked.

[Reader 1] pulled out a recorder that had recorded their whole conversation from the start to the finish.

"Hmm I wonder would they belive me if I showed them this recording about you telling everything you did."

Raelyns lips formed a straigh line, while Nadines eyes widened looking at the recorder.

"So what will it be? Will you delate your blog and stop the rumours and say it was a missunderstanding or would you like to be reported to the police?" [Reader 1] threatened.

Raelyn and Nadine said that they would stop the rumours and delated the blog infront of them.

After that they all left the classroom, [Reader 1&2] hurried to their next class.

"[Reader 1] how did you come up with that plan, and why didn't you tell me anything about it?" [Reader 2] asked.

"Oh that was my plan #2 you know before we confronted them, I guess I forgot to tell you about that," [Reader 1] laughed awkwardly.

[Reader 2] smiled and said "It's fine as long as we got rid of the problem."


A few days went by and everything went back to normal. Sebastian and Levi were also back at school after being sick.

The schools ball was going to be held soon and the girls were excited about attending it. They were walking in the hallway but were stopped by two familiar voices that were calling their names.

[Reader 1&2] turned around only to see Sebastian and Levi walking up to them.

Sebastian grabbed [Reader 1] and Levi grabbed [Reader 2] by the wrist, while walking opposite ways.

Sebastian & [Reader 1]

"So I heard about the ball going to be held soon and I wondered, if maybe you wanted to go with me?" Sebastian asked.

The girl looked speechless for a moment before answering: "Yes, I would love to go with you!"

Sebastian looked relived: "Really? For a moment I thought you were going to turn me down on the offer."

[Reader 1] got a playful glint in her eyes for a moment and said "Oh, why would I turn you down Bessy, and anyway let's see where [Reader 2] and Shortie went to... and if that's fine with you maybe spook them a little?"

"You are one evil friend let me tell you that" Sebastian commented with a smirk.

Meanwhile Levi & [Reader 2]

"Okay so why did we come here Levi?" the girl asked the male when they had stopped in a empty corridor.

Levi averted his gaze and asked: "I heard about the ball and I didn't want you to go alone so I thought I should go with you, what do you think?"

[Reader 2] smiled softly and said "Well that's a nice way to ask a girl out, and I would love to go to the ball with you, that sounds nice."

Levi looked as if something huge had been lifted from his shoulders.

They were quiet for a moment before they talked some more and agreed to go back to find [Reader 1] and Sebastian, but before they could do it some one screamed quite loudly and both [Reader 2] and Levi jumped at that.

From the hallway they could see both [Reader 1] and Sebastian laughing on the floor.

"Nice faces there," [Reader 1] managed to say between her laughs.

"I'm kind of dissapointed that we didn't have a camera" Sebastian said after they managed to stop laughing.

Levi and [Reader 2] looked very annoyed of their bestfriends.


It's been almost a month since we last updated. Hope that you guys aren't mad. Also hope that you like the gif that we added of Jungkook. You can picture it as [Reader 1]'s reaction :D

Please look forward for the next chapter!

Elina & Delina

Struggles In Highschool  Levi x Reader;  Sebastian x Reader [Hiatus]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя