Part 8

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It was about five o'clock in the evening when [Reader 1] called [Reader 2].

[Reader 2] picked up the phone that was lying on her bed and anwsered:

"Hello? [Reader 1]?"

"Yeah, how many [Reader 1]'s you know? "

[Reader 2] sighed a little out of frustration and continued: "What is it?"

"I've thought a plan to destroy Raelyn and Nadine."


"We'll hit them in the soft spot. We have to make Levi and Sebastian hate them!"

"[Reader 1] that's a great plan, honestly, but they'll understand it was us and they'll just continue. Yeah the boys may be on our side, but that really doesen't help."

"That's PART of my plan. The boys will start hating them and care for us more you know, protect us" [Reader 1] giggels a bit on the phone, "Anyway they'll hate them and THEN we'll tell a teacher or the principle what happened, like it or not!" [Reader 1] said bossily and this time, it wasn't fake.

"Okay, fine by me" [Reader 2] finally agreed.

"Yay! Okay, so I think the boys have seen the crap that those rats have posted so they'll know, and although we might not talk much they know your not like that, nor me so they will be on our side. If they haven't seen them then I'll tell them, but don't worry." [Reader 1] encouraged [Reader 2].

"Okay," was the last thing [Reader 2] said before she hung up. She heard [Reader 1] sai "By-" but was cut off

Next day when [Reader 1] and [Reader 2] came to school, they tried to look the most unhappy they could and walked inside the classroom.

The group who were with Raelyn and Nadine were cheering and alredy sending messages on their phones.

They were all grinning victoriously.

Sebastian and Levi saw what was going on. The expression on their face said clearly that they know whats been bothering the girls. When the two girls had sat down behind their desk, infront of the boys, Sebastian had leaned over and whispered

"Hey it's not like you at all to be all sad like that and we know why but still we know those are just false chit-caht they were writing on the internet, so cheer up, don't let them defeat you"

"He's right you know, brats. " commented Levi.

[Reader 1] and [Reader 2] put on smiles and they both thanked the boys.

"Well, what now?" [Reader 2] asked.

"What now?"asked Levi a bit mockingliy as he looked over to Raelyn and Nadine, who had entered the class to see the event.

"We'll make them pay."

He stood up from his desk and walked up to Nadine and Raelyn.

Raelyn greeted him and asked: "Have you heard about that gossip about your little 'friends'? "

"Yeah, I've heard the shit the rats are talking. Squeling it at everywhere. I'll soon have a migraine if it continues, you shitholes."

"Hey, don't come blaming us! They're the sluts!" Raelyn tried to protect herself.

"Wow, really? Well then, have you seen them in action that you are so confident saying that?"

"Well uh..." Raelyn tried to make an impressive comeback but failed.

"Well what?" Levi was still waiting for an anwser.

The girls stood quiet, red in embarresment.

"That's what I thought. You damn freshamns always think you get everything because you're in highschool. Well you don't. You're just some brats, that's all. Don't get so full of yourselves."

Levi started walking away and then did a pitchy voice and said: "And those pants were sooo last year."

He then walked back to the others.

"Wow, thanks shorty" [Reader 1] said while grinning a little.

Levi coffed on his nickname.

Raelyn and Nadine looked hurt. As if they had just got slapped in the face. They were almost looking like they were gonna cry.

[Reader 1] and [Reader 2] were looking lot better now that they had won a battle.

But they still had their rest of the plan.

Struggles In Highschool  Levi x Reader;  Sebastian x Reader [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now