First Year Anniversary

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Delina: Hello readers! 26.02.2016 is the day me and Elina posted Struggles In Highschool part 1 on tumblr. Today is 26.02 sooo ANNIVERSARY! YAY!

Elina: So we thought we would do a Q/A for this event and the both of us will be answering some questions we hope you'll enjoy!


1. When was the last time you tried something new?

Elina: Well the last time i tried something new was... um... i guess a few weeks ago when i started playing with my cat more he usually didn't want to play but now he almost plays with me everyday.

Delina: Agh I dunno.. maybe draving my favorite anime/manga charecters? I did it like few weeks ago or something like that? They turned out really good in my opinion, and I am just in love with them!

2. Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?

Elina: I sometimes compare myself with my relatives who have finished school with all fives, but then when i get a bad mark i get super sad cause i think i'm not as good as them, but then i think that i'm better at drawing than they are so i get over it.

Delina: There is a girl in my class that I sometimes look at and be like *sigh* why me? But I don't let it bring me down, beacause she can have the looks and charisma, but I have the brains and the memes, so GET REKT SON!!

3. What's the most sensible thing you've ever heard someone say?

Elina: The most sensible thing would be that you shouldn't fall into depression if you get bullied instead you should find a way out of it rather then feel sorry for yourself.

Delina: It's more of an quote: A day without laughter is a day wasted -Charlie Chaplin

4. What gets you excited about life?

Elina: Well the thing that makes me exited about life is that you can travel to so many places in the world.

Delina: Umm at the moment... nothing. You don't always need something that would keep you excited about life. I'm just gonna go and do my best and see where I'll end up. Maybe one day I'll find that excitement (though it sounds little stupid for me).

5. What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

Elina: I don't know... i guess that i should go to (in my case) buss stop early rather than late because i once missed the buss and i know it's not a big deal but to me it was. i was quite young too then so it was scarier for me because i didn't know how i would get home ,but it all ended well and my mother picked me up.

Delina: There's two in one: don't try to be cool by bullying or getting revenge and karma is real.

I was once laughed at by some of my classmates and one day I thought "I should get revenge" so I started to act like a snob and as if I'm better then them but that backfired and I realized how wrong and disgusting I was being. That was the work of karma against me, but I've also seen it work for me. But that's a story for another time.

6. What do you wish you spent more time doing five years ago?

Elina: Oh i wished that i would have begun playing guitar earlier because i don't have much time to play it now and if i have then i'm usually too lazy to.

Struggles In Highschool  Levi x Reader;  Sebastian x Reader [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now