He smiles, "she looks like you, gorgeous."

I smile, a blush creeping across my face, "thanks."

"Well look, I feel bad for running out on the date, and I told you I'd help you study for Mr. T's Econ class, so if you want, we can study at my place for a bit." I say, standing from my chair, and grabbing my jacket.

"I'd love to," he replies with a smile.

"Good, I'll text you my address," I say, and he nods. I smile at him before walking out of the door towards my car.


As I open the door I can hear Luna screaming bloody murder. Her lately she has been teething, and so all she's done is cry. I feel so bad for her because I know she's going through a lot of pain, but at the same time it's starting to drive me a bit crazy.

"Finally, she won't shut up," Travis says standing up and handing her to me.

"Come here baby girl," I say pulling her to my chest. She stars to quiet down a bit, nuzzling into me.

"Wow," he says rolling his eyes, and grabbing his things, "she likes you more than me."

"Well maybe if you made an effort to see her,"

"Whatever, I've gotta bounce," he says opening the door to Lip.

Travis looks at me and then back at him.

"Hey Lip," I say, walking over to the door.

Travis shoots me a glare, before walking out the door, bumping Lip in the shoulder.

"Come in?" I say motioning him in. I close the door behind him.

"I'm assuming that's the ex?" He says sitting down on the couch beside me.

"Yeah, that's Travis,"

"he seems like an asshole,"

"Oh trust me he is, but he brought gave me this angel, so it was worth it." I say rocking the little blue eyed baby in my arms. Her big eyes were staring Lip down, mesmerized by him.

Soon those big ole eyes begin to get droopy, a tiny yawn escaping from her lips.

"I'm going to lay her down, and then we can study," I tell him carrying Luna to her room.  I lay her down in her crib covering her with a blanket. I then quietly turn on the baby monitor before tip toeing out of her bedroom.

Once the door is closed, I let out a sigh and join Lip on the couch. His hair was a mess and he had his textbook in his lap. Tonight was the first date I've been on since Travis, and I'm glad it was him. I had been eyeing him since the first day of my Economics when he walked in with a shirt that had a lot of fucks on it.

To most people I come off as bitchy, but it was an act in hopes people would stay away. I had been fucked over to many times and had learned that not letting anyone in was the key to not having my heartbroken, but there was something different about him that made me want to open up to him. Maybe it was the shirt or the all too familiar piercing blue eyes, but whatever the reason I hope the feeling stays.

"Hey," he says as I sit down beside him, sighing.

"How do you do it?" He asks.

"Do what?"

"Go to college, raise a kid, keep a job. You're like Wonder Woman." He says with a laugh.

I chuckle, "I wish I was Wonder Woman. It's so difficult and most times I feel like pulling my hair out, but I do it for her. I don't want her to ever have to have a life like mine."

"I know the feeling." He says sighing.

"Hey Lip?" I say turning towards him.


"Thank you,"

"For what?" He asks curiously.

"For not running away. Most people don't even talk to me, and here you are sitting in my dirty apartment, trying to study while I take care of my kid."

"It's fine. I'd be happy to do it again," he says.


"Yeah, I like you a lot (Y/N)."

"I like you too Lip," I tell him blushing.

"Good, now how about we study?" He says turning his attention back to the book.

Maybe Lip is exactly what I needed?
WOO HOO GUYS IM BACK . School has been kicking my ass because I decided to take AP Psychology and ughhhh. Hopefully, I'll be getting back into some sort of writing schedule because I miss writing so much. Anywho guys, requests are open.

See you soon!

Xoxo- Sydney❤️

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