One More Time : Ch 1

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Today was the day, the day you have been waiting for. The long waited period.

"Yes!", you hold the envelope, "Pay Day!"
You jumped in glee and opened the envelope to find your check. You held it up high to the light in curiosity.
"Am I looking at this right?", you question.
"Yes!", your manager complained.
"What?! How can this be!" you whine.
"You think I get paid better?" he chucked.

[Let's update you on your background.]
You live a pretty simple life, in a simple apartment, simple clothing, surrounded by simple people. You work at a local bar in town.
The person you were just talking to was your manager, KimLee, but you just call him Kimchi. Although he was your manager, he was also your friend. Its good to be nice to your coworkers. On late nights, he even drives you home, he can be your drinking buddy sometimes too.
"This is barely enough to cover the living expenses!"
"Go whine in the corner."
You drag down his shoulders.
"Why~ Jungkook! Pay for my bills!"
Kimchi just laughs at you, and takes your hands off.
"He's not goin' to pay your bills, you are!" he flicked your forehead.
You whimpered and slouched.
"Thanks again, for the check. Im taking my leave right now." you grab your bag.
"You never said 'thanks'", Kim laughed.
"Pft. Sure I did."

You leave the bar and wander about the plaza. After visiting some clothes stores, and too broke to buy anything, you venture out again. Your earbuds were plugged in, but you notice a rampage of people, so you take them out. There were screaming fangirls, why?
"BTS is here?!" someone behind you pushed.
You were startled and backed away from her, walking outside slowly to see the commotion.
"BTS...?" you mumble under your breath.
Your heart was beating so fast you didn't know what to do with yourself. You almost couldnt believe your eyes. They were so close you almost couldn't breathe.
If you could just see him one more time, to tell him everything...the chance you never thought you'd get, you got.
"Dont mess this up, YN." you say to yourself.

Walking at a fast pace, you cross the street to the more social plaza. You were close enough to see their faces, but too far because of the fans.
"Wait. Dont I just look like a fan to him?"
The thought killed you that you could just be disrupting their free time.
"Im no better than these people."
Your feet stopped as all the people bumped your shoulders, and he got further away.

You sigh and walk away from them. Dreading your feet as you felt like a mop.
"Dont forget me, YN."
You clenched your bag string and felt your eyes get heavy from tears.
Why'd I have to remember that now?
You take a glance at the very ring he gave you, the ring that made you hope for meeting him again.
"One more time."

Jogging back towards the commotion, you observe the scene also. You push through the weak areas of the crowd, despite the compact space, and reached out your arm.
BTS was hiding their faces and kept their distance, if anything they were trying to run away. This was too much, even for you, but you had to know..whether your memories could be revived once more.
You shut your eyes and pushed more, but you tripped over something, landing hard on the floor.
The crowd actually took notice and back away for a moment, because BTS also stopped.
They were worried if one of their fans were injured. You felt embarrassed as you held your scraped knee. Before you, stood the boy you once remembered. You wanted to cry, it was him.
"J-Jeon Jungguk! I-Im YN..", you weeped.
He wasnt sure how to react, and patted your shoulders before the situation got worse.
"Im sorry, but we have to go."
As he steps, something was at the bottom on his shoe. He removes it and reveals a shiny ring. You watched him inspect it carefully.
"This is yours...?" he asks.

The crowd began to grow restless, and also began to touch and grow closer, pushing you in the process.
You winced at the sudden pain and held out your hand to Jungkook, but he ran along with BTS. Keeping the ring..
The crowd died down and you got some glares while it dispersed, but you didnt care.
All you could do was stare down at your hands.
"The ring..."
At least the one who had it was the very person who had given it to you.
You wipe away a tear, and another, and another until you couldnt bear it anymore.
You sniffled and walked the plaza again, glancing at the direction BTS went.

His expression was burned into your mind, he looks surprised when he saw the ring. The moment he hesitated, he was trampled. It was only natural that he'd run. You take a deep sigh and look up to the sky.
"So..does he remember me?"
Just the thought of it made you happy. It was a sign that your efforts weren't wasted.
"He's so much more handsome up close, he grew up so well." you giggle.
You smile and hold your blushing cheeks.
You found yourself hopping with butterflies.
You passed a few stores, skipping around to kill time before going home.
"Maybe he'll search for me! He remembers my face right?" you think out loud.
Lost in thought you bump into something really hard.
"What the-"
You rub your nose and look up at the person.
"I thought you were a pole."
You recognized him immediately.
He had the built body, the round eyes, and the same fluffy hair you remember.
"Is this yours?", he holds the ring on display.
"Yes! It is! So you remember me!?"
He stayed quiet for a but before answering.
"I don't, Im sorry."
"But, you hesitated when you saw it didn't you? You came back here to find me, right?"
"Because you dropped it. You shouldn't lose things that are important to you."
He reaches for your hand and opens it, placing the ring inside. He held your hand and closed it.
"Take ca-", he said.
"Jungkook! Lets go, the van is leaving!" someone called from afar.
He turned around, glancing at you before he left. You stood there for a moment as you watched him leave.
"But I still have tons to tell you.." you whimper.

Jungkook POV

[Incident earlier]
I'm normally used to this, I was just trying to figure a way out really. I heard a quiet cry and I saw one of the fans on the floor.
She got up really fast...Oh, her knee is bleeding-

"J-Jeon Jungguk! I-Im YN..", she weeped.
I wasnt sure how to react, and patted her shoulders before the situation got worse.
I cant have her on the media with me, I dont want her getting hurt.
"Im sorry, but we have to go." I leaned over.
When I started to walk, I felt something on the bottom of my shoe. To my surprise, it was a shiny ring. But it was weird because I had the exact same one. The engraving inside was the same too, it was exactly like mine. I looked back at her.
"This is yours...?" I asked.
Only one person has this ring, what did she say her name was? The moment I stepped closer to her, the crowd made action again and I ran. The last thing I saw was her reaching out to me. We were separated and I couldnt ask her more questions. I'm sure it's her, the rung says it all. I cant lose her again.

Once we escaped, we all took refuge in a clothes store.
"Why did you stop?", Hoseok panted.
"We would have had to run either way."
I looked in the palm of my hand, inside was the ring she dropped.
"What is it?", Yoongi asked.
He picked it up from my hand, and looked through it like a magnifying glass.
Taehyung peered over to inspect it.
"Don't you also have something similar?"
I didnt really wish to respond, I wanted to figure this out myself.
I looked out the door, outside was that girl.
She was across the street, but I could see her so clearly. She was jumping around smiling.
"Pft. So weird."
Some members were already wandering around the store, so I took the opportunity.
I snatched the ring back from Yoongi-Hyung.
"What are you planning on doing?!" Jin Hyung demanded.
"Nothing! I just want to check something!"
I made sure there were no fans before I left them, I went across the street, but I lost her.
"She was here two seconds ago.." I mumbled.
I turn around a few times and look inside the stores, maybe she's inside somewhere?
I saw a shirt girl walking towards me, she seems..distracted though-
She bumped into me. She was rubbing her nose and I couldnt help but smile a little.
This isn't good though, if I get involved, what will happen to her? Will she be resented amongst other fans? I fear the company wouldnt approve of her either, even as a friend. I mean just being around her is bad publicity, imagine people thinking were a thing? That cant happen. Its times like these I wish I weren't famous, so I can lead a normal life.
Ugh! I just need to know if it's her..
"I thought you were a pole."
She looked up at me, her eyes widened and I could see the blush on her cheeks.
She..was cute. I dint know how I didnt recognize her before.
"Is this yours?", I ask.
"Yes! It is! So you remember me!?"
I stayed quiet for a bit before answering.
Do I say yes...?
"I don't, Im sorry."
"But, you hesitated when you saw it didn't you? You came back here to find me, right?"
"Because you dropped it. You shouldn't lose things that are important to you."
I reached down for her hand and opened it, placing the ring inside. Her hand was so small compared to mine. I didn't want to let go.
I closed her fingers gently.
"Take ca-", I say leaving.
"Jungkook! Lets go, the van is leaving!" Namjoon-Hyung called from afar.

I turned to face her, she was...still beautiful.
Her eyes shined, her hands were soft, but this moment couldn't last. I left her behind, again.

"Maybe another time, I'll find you again, YN."

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