26- Steven

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  "Holy crap" my eyes shift up to the ceiling to see both my brother and my mate in a cage hanging from the ceiling. How did they even get them up there? Both of them are laying there, looking weak, and breathing heavily. Memories flash through my head as a pounding fills my ears. My eyes dart back to the font of the room where both Charity, Noah, and their father sit patiently.

"Ah the guests of honors” Alpha Foster smiles playing with his finger nails. I can barely hear him through the beating of my heart and eardrums as he stands up and says something to me. I shake my head, trying to get away images and sounds from my head. He is doing this to me on purpose, he knows...

"I asked if you found my set up somehow familiar" Alpha Foster smiles accompanied by Noah and Charity's snickers. I do find this familiar. I dream about it, I think about it, of course I remember it. 

(Jace's thoughts in Italics)

I woke up that morning like it was any other day. I ate peanut butter and jelly, watched a couple of cartoons and went out to play with Steven, my older brother.

"Ready or not here I come" Steven yelled as we played hide and seek. My six year old self peeked down from the top of my favorite tree. I watched in Envy as Steven's grey and white wolf trotted along the base of the trees, pretending not to see or smell me. My then six year old mind thought of the day that he would become alpha and I would hopefully be allowed to be his beta or gamma.

"You're never gonna catch me!" I yelled, hopping from one tree to another. Steven's nine year old wolf bounded behind me as I jumped from tree to tree looking like a well-kept Tarzan. 

I kept going and going. Waiting to stop until I reached the borderline to stop. Mommy said to never go this far but Steven followed me anyway. I remember looking back one last time before a dog like yelp came from below. My head whipped around and my grip on the tree branched slackened, leaving me to fall on chest. 

All the wind got knocked out of me but I still managed to run over to Steven, a second before he shifted back to human for. He hung from a cage like wolf trap attached to a tree.

"Jace get me out of here” Steven started to panic. I tried to get him out with all my might but as much as tired I couldn’t get the cage off the branch or unlock the lock. 

"Jace come on. I hear footsteps. If it's Dad we are going to get in trouble!" Steven whined, turning around to look for the on comers. Since I hadn't shifted for the first time I couldn't hear or see them. All I was left to do is fumble with the lock.

"Steven I can't" I whined as I started to punch the lock. Steven gasped and started struggling worse than ever. I could finally hear the footsteps and smell the scent of the people coming in our direction. The scents weren't familiar but I couldn't see why Steven was so upset.

"Jace stop. Run as fast as you can and get Dad alright?" Steven commanded in his serious voice. I let go of the lock, still not sure what was happening.

"But why?" My high pitched voice shook.

"Jace. GO" Steven commanded.. I never heard Steven talk like that before. My six year didn't get why he was so serious but I listened. I turned in the direction of our house and ran. I  Ran straight through the trees and bushes until I heard it.

Steven's scream seemed to rip though my eardrums and brain like a chainsaw was taken to them. I turned right around and ran ten times faster than before. I remember crouching behind the bushes and watching and not being able to do anything.

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