[•8•] Da EnD

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*Heather's P.O.V*

When I finally peeled my eyes open I groaned feeling the pounding headache in my head due to the lack of sleep. I grabbed my my forehead and stood up placing my bare feet on the freezing cold floor. The room seemed clear and empty. I walked to down the stairs into the kitchen grabbing some pain killers and a glass of water gulping it down like candy. I Kate's down on the couch in the sitting room before closing my eyes feeling myself falling back asleep, no presence around me. Let me explain to you what it feels like when there 'something' in the room. It feels stuffy and cold, it feels awkward like after you embarrass yourself, you feel like there is a pair of eyes digging holes into you.

I get my body starting to relax and all my my muscles to unknot. I covered myself with the blanket, which reached my Chin.

-when she wakes up-

When I wake up I feel more than energised. I rub my eyes before standing up and looking at the time. 14:23. Whoops, I decide to go down to the basement to go move around some furniture to make space. I walk down the creepy stairs and peek my head in and turning on the small bulb in the middle of the room. Why do people always make basements looks so creepy, jeez.

I start moving the old wardrobe a bit and with a hard push of frustration a cardboard box falls off. I run towards it checking what was inside. The inside was filled with broken wooden frames and sharp shattered glass.

"Shit." I hissed and looked at the photos of Luke and his family. I heard hard breathing behind me causing me to gasp and drop the photos back in the box.

"YOU BITCH." I heard Luke's voice boom behind me. He dragged me up from my crouching position by my arms probably leaving red hand marks due to his strong grip. He flips me around so I'm facing him. His eyes weren't black anymore, they where so much worst, they where flaming red. I gulped before I get myself being pushed onto the cement floor. I scream feeling the blood gushing down my arms due to the glass that has also spilled onto the floor. He was standing over my his lanky figure making my heart to almost fall out my ass.

I screamed when boxes and small house hold items started to fly off shelves and out of bows onto the floor and shattering and breaking on the floor beside me. I felt his arm reach in and grab my face with a head grip before making me look at him. I started crying and sobbing but that didn't phase him. His mouth turned upwards into a smirk. He stepped back and flicked his hand forward and the heavy closet gaming on top of me causing my bones to make a snapping sound while I let out a crippling scream. I felt my breath being taken away and myself blacking out before feeling numb. Feeling nothing, hearing nothing, seeing nothing, smelling nothing.

I knew I was dead, wasn't it pretty obvious? What did I expect he was a demon, I was a girl with a drinking problem who loved Disney movies and Disney songs. Someone who was was scared of wasps and moths. Someone who no one cared about

Heather vs Luke.

Luke.        Heather
   1.                   2.

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