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*Heather's P.O.V*

For the next couple of days I was walking a round the house cleaning with shaky hands causing me to drop at least 7 glasses after hearing the howling of the wind. I climbed up the stairs my hands shaky on the wall. I busted the door of my bedroom open and took a couple of steps before probing my head I feeling body down on the mattress. I let out a sigh and hugged my pillow and then I did something, I ah met done in a while.

I cried.

And I cried hard, feeling all the tears room down the side of my nose and leaving dry blotchy patches. I hiccuped and sobbed thinking about what my life has come to. I had to find a job at 16 to try and get some money for the house, my dad sold drugs for some dealers in the alleyways no policeman dared to enter. My mom was broken with crippling depression when I was born, the feeling that her child wouldn't live like any other due to the fact that the barely had enough to pay the rent at out tiny apartment. Barely enough to get Christmas presents. But I didn't care, I knew they where trying their best so when I had saved up enough money every month I would give it back to them, not that the late shifts at the hotel paid well.

When I turned 18, I thought fuck it , I needed money desperately, is of myself to men as a one night stand, not caring if one had an STD or two because I knew that at home my mom was looking through empty carbonated looking for any sort of meal she could prepare when she wasn't working her ass off. I would let the men do whatever they wanted for a grand then go home and give the grand over for rent and food, not that they knew what I did, they would never allow that but I knew I needed the extra support. One day everything just got enough when I got a called from the police department one day, when my dad was at work. They told me my mom, who took the public bus, got in a car accident and the bus was flipped I to the river, her body sinking to the bottom like a rock and she was found only a couple of hours later without a pulse, dead, lifeless.

My father then moved further To the outskirts of town, he bought the cheapest apartment and quit his job and then found another one that had a much better pay, I stopped being a public prostitute and found myself a job at the cinema. When I finally had enough money I moved in here even further away from town with a job at home.

I sobbed more into my pillow before calming down only small but violent hiccups escaping my mouth. I dried my eyes with the back of my sleeve and placed my head back down on the pillow. My eye slowly became heavier and heavier before I fell into deep slumber.

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